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Derek was shaking his head as he pulled up to the jewelry store. "I know we had to have missed something." Grumbling to himself. He got out of his car. As he was walking over to the building sees a small red sports car with a small silver butterfly on the back window. He looks around searching for the driver instinct telling him that they came back for something.

Meredith hears the rasp of metal against leather as someone draws a gun. Standing up carefully she made her way around the back of the store, looking around she saw a small rock, picking it up she threw it as hard as she could at the side windows of the store. The glass shattered as Meredith ran back around the building. She saw a dark figure go around the front of the building. She ran to her car, sliding in she gunned the engine taking off down the alley as she hears a gun ring out and her tail light shattering.

Derek had reached the back of the building when he heard the glass shatter; he ran towards the front, his weapon drawn, halfway there he realized it was a diversion. He ran back towards his car when he heard the sports car jump to life. Aiming his weapon at the little car he fired as it pulled away, shattering the right tail light. He holstered his weapon and ran to his car.
Meredith pulled onto the main road, checking her rearview mirror. Pulling out her phone she pressed one number and waited. "Meet me at the dock." Meredith snapped her phone shut when she saw the black Crown Victoria gaining on her. Meredith grinned and sped up. She loved a good chase. She quickly lost the much larger vehicle. With a frown Meredith stops at a seedy looking warehouse, climbing out of the car. She goes to the door and knocks against the metal, the door creeks open.

Derek slams his hand on the steering wheel as he lost sight of the small red car. The windows were tinted too darkly for him to see the driver. Derek pulled off to the side of the busy road, before pulling out his phone.

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