28-They are destined-

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The street isn't the same as he remembered. TV screens, machines going faster than imaginable, people dressed in strange little clothing, and the sound level higher than he'd ever be used to. The new world he found himself in was giving him a head ache. He didn't know where he was or who he was. All he knew was the man he just fought- his mission was someone he used to know.

Maybe that's why he saved him, pulled him from the water and left him there. He didn't know anything for sure except for her. He blonde hair, blue eyes, the way she made him feel. He knew- she was his home.

Watching her was all he could let himself do when it came to her. Many times in the past 48 hours he came so incredibly close to talking to her but he never did. Instead he watched as she struggled. She was so sad when she left that building and then she got on some kind of device and she got even more sad. That was when he came the closest to approaching her bad he didn't get the chance as she got into a vehicle and left.

He didn't find her until a day after where she was shopping. His memory of basic things such as cars and cellphones came back to him during that time so he knew what she was doing this time. He watched as she grocery shopped and knew that he wouldn't be able to let her go this time without saying something so he made himself known to her but tapping her on the shoulder.

When she turned and their eyes met her blue ones widened in shock of seeing him- probably cause he shot her last time she saw him. They took each-other in for a moment letting the tingling of their bond over take them. She blinked a few times and furrowed her eye Brows at him before softly speaking, "hi..."

He hesitated not wanting to scare her away before he let himself awkwardly say, "hi," back he didn't know what else to say. She smiled and shook her head.

"Can you reach that for me?" She pointed to something above their heads and behind him. When he saw what she was pointing to he turned to her with raised eyebrows but still grabbed the box of lucky charms for her.

"Thank you, Bucky." Ava said taking the box before she began walking to the next aisle and grabbed her self some pasta noodles but she handed them to Bucky to put in the cart. And that's what they did they shopped together Bucky helped reach the top shelf stuff while Ava pointed out what she needed and they took turns pushing the cart.

they finished and Bucky helped put the groceries in the cab Ava surprised him when she grabbed his hand and pulled him into the cab with her. He didn't know what to do as it was his first time being in an actual car and she'd held his metal hand which had never been touched in such an innocent way. But when she smiled at him he relaxed and intertwined their fingers his cold metal meeting her warmth.

Ava didn't know why Bucky approached her at the grocery store but she just accepted it and let him help reach the stuff on they top shelf's and let him come home with her.

Last night she got back to her dorm and in the morning she went for a swim with her team. For the first time. She loved meeting with them and talking with the coach who seemed like a great person who really cared for their team.

When she got into the pool water she felt better, and soon shed been swimming for hours. She stayed a-bit longer than her teammates but she did get a few snap usernames and her coach said to be at practice again tomorrow.

When Ava was back in her dorm she took off her suit and fingered her bandages which were soggy. They were supposed to be waterproof but she supposed she should've known it wouldn't work. After all the man that was selling them didn't seem very trustworthy.

So with a sigh she pulled them the rest of the way off and was shocked to only see a scab that looked almost all the way healed. That's why she felt less achey in the water. Her powers were using the water to heal her. While she got dressed She thought to herself, if she'd stayed just for an hour longer in the pool her largest wound would've began to scar.

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