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Sam, Steve, and I were having a great time eating breakfast at a dinner. I found out that Sam is pretty cool. He's served in the military before which explains why Steve and him are so close.

Certainly we are teaming up on Steve. Making fun of him because of his old fashioned ways.

"You know what Wilson..." Steve said after Sam made a comment on his hair cut, but before he could finish my phone started to ring. I pulled it out of my bra gaining an interesting look from Steve and a raised eyebrow from Sam. I just shrugged in response and answered the phone without checking who it was.


"Ava, where are you? I just woke up and I can't find you anywhere."Clint's voice came through the speaker of my phone which confused me.

"How did you get my number?" I ask completely ignoring his questions.

"Uhh" he hesitated, "stark might have hacked into your phone to get it, and gave it to everyone."

My eyes shoot to Steve and glare at him accusingly. I know he didn't hack into my phone but he did accept my phone number from stark who got it from Tony who got it without my permission.

"He did didn't he?" I ask griping onto my phone harder still glaring at Steve. He's obviously confused and his gaze jumps from me to Sam asking with his eyes what he did. Good he should be scared.

"Yes, but he only did it so that we could keep in contact with you." Clint said trying to defend Tony and everyone else.

"Mmhm, and when did you all plan on telling me?"

"Well uh we really didn't think it through all the way." Clint said nervously, "but that's not the point right now.where are you?"

I breathe out letting it go for now, "I'm with Steve and Sam eating breakfast."

"Good I'm glad you're safe." Clint said relief in his voice. In the background I can hear Tony and Bruce asking about me. Then I hear Tony on the phone.

"Hey, Ariel, we need you to come back." Tony said with Clint angrily grumbling about his phone being taken from him in the background like Tony had been just moments before. "We think we've found more information about your mermaid powers."

"Uh okay I'll be there soon." I said hanging up quickly. "Sorry boys but I've got to get back to tower. I'll see you there, Steve, and it was nice to meet you Sam."

"Nice to meet you to, Ava, I'm glad Steve here has some one like you. Here let me get your number." Sam said pulling out his phone and I gave him my number with a pointed look at Steve.

"See that's how normal people get someone's number." I said after I told Sam my number and I got a text from him so I now also had his.

"Sorry, beautiful, it was Tony's idea." Steve said standing up and kissing me on the cheek. I don't know what has changed but he has definitely been more touchy today than the past and I'm not sure if that scares or excites me.

"Sure put all the blame on Tony. We'll be talking about this later." I said then walked out. I wasn't quite sure which direction to go in but when I looked up I saw the tower with a giant A on the side. I shook my head and started walking in the direction of the tower.

When I finally got there I walked straight in and hit the elevator button. It dinged after the doors opened. I got in and hit the button for the top floor.

"Hello miss Welters it's nice to see you back." A robotic voice said from the speakers startling me so much I almost pissed myself. 

"Who are you?"

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