~A girl with a crush~

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The sound of birds chirping in the distance brought me out of my slumber, only to realise I'm being suffocated by the chilling arms of a vampire, Dante was so beautiful even when he was sleeping. His hair had fallen over his face so I brushed it back with my fingers, I never want to leave this bed, if time were to freeze I wish it would do it now. This is his sleeping time so I mustn't wake him, and unfortunately, I do have to leave this bed because I have to make some food. His arms were heavy but I managed to lift them off me almost falling off the bed while doing so but at least I didn't wake him. 

That was probably the best night's sleep I've had in a long time, no waking up in the middle and no nightmares, it was perfect, I'm just so calm in his arms. After a short shower which stung a little due to the bite mark on my thigh, I felt a lot more refreshed and awake. I headed back to my bedroom with a towel, for a moment I forgot he was there so I got a little embarrassed and clutched the towel tighter to my chest and quickly grabbed some clothing to throw on. After changing into a black top and blue jeans in the bathroom, something more appropriate than last night's attire I strode into the kitchen to make something for breakfast. 

Shortly after a quick bite to eat and I grabbed my laptop from my room to set it up in the kitchen bar area with a coffee, time to do some writing. For weeks now I've been stuck on what to write next about the vampire in my book, now I do, I've finally found my inspiration, and Dante I thank you.  Hours went by and I had finally finished it, my book was done, I let out a huge stretch and pressed send to my online editor to be checked over and published. I glanced at the time and realised it was 4pm, the sun was about to set, meaning Dante was about to wake up. Standing up I rushed to the kettle and grabbed a cup, making him some coffee for when he awoke from his slumber.

Suddenly I heard the rustling sound of covers moving and I knew he was awake, the thought of that made me smile like a little kid. He walked into the living room where I was just stirring his drink at the counter and I held it out for him "good morning, did you sleep okay?" I spoke as the  drink was taken from my hand, stroking my fingers as he took it "like a baby, did you?" his voice was calm and cool, making me lose my cool "it was perfect" I smiled. He made himself at home by sitting down at the counter and glancing at my laptop smirking as he did, guessing he saw what I was writing about. "It's not about you before you ask, you just helped to bring the character to life I guess" his eyebrow raised, that was embarrassing, why am I trying to defend it when he hasn't read it.  

He tapped the seat next to him ordering me to sit so I did. "I was wondering when the last chapter was coming out" He stared me down as he spoke, oh my god! he's been reading it? my face instantly felt flushed, "W-when did you start reading it?" avoiding eye contact I asked a question that I probably didn't want to know the answer to. He sipped at the coffee and smiled "Hmm, after you told me you was a writer, I enjoy reading so I wanted to find out what you wrote and lucky me you leave your laptop open as well as your balcony door so I found out the name and where it gets posted online and well you can guess the rest" looking right at me I've never felt so embarrassed, it's like being a kid with a stupid crush in school all over again. 

 His hand touched mine, and I finally looked up "Don't be embarrassed, I was really enjoying your story and looking forward to seeing how it ended, plus his story is much better than my back story" his eyes looked at little sad at that last comment and  it made me wonder. I realised I've never asked him about his past, or even how old he actually is, it's just occurred to me that I actually don't know anything about this man I may of fallen for, maybe it's about time I ask him.

I put my other hand onto of his and stare into his captivating eyes "If I asked you about your past would you tell me?" I asked with caution as I knew something deep within him didn't want me to ask that. His hand slowly pulled away and clutched the coffee cup with both hands, "it's not a very happy story Willow, you wouldn't want to hear it" his eyes are dark as he glared at the cup in front of him, swirling the remainder of the coffee as if it's hypnotizing him to not think about his past.  "I'm willing to listen if you are willing to tell it" I touched his arm slightly , pulling him away from the trance he was just in. 

The coffee stopped swirling and the cup was placed down on the side just loud enough to make me jump slightly. "Are you sure you want to know about me?" his head finally turned back and he's now looking at me again, my hand was still on his arm but I slid it down to his hands holding them gently, "Tell me everything". 

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