~Truma arising ~

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Awaking to her not being here gives me a sense of sadness but I know she probably has things to do, if I had woken when she did though I would have held her so tight and not let go, kept her here with me, forever if possible. The heat she filled my bed with last night has gone, but not for long as I'll have her back in it as soon as I can. Pulling my covers up to my face, I can still smell her, her impression left on them, and how I would love to never wash these sheets again. I need to see her, she's got me under her spell now, I'm under her skin too I can feel it, she's mine now.

Throwing some clothes on still smiling, I can't wait to see her, I wonder if she feels the same. Getting ready as fast as inhumanly possible so I can see her face again, touch that skin, feel her warmth. Should I get her something? I throw on a jacket and head to the shop, I should make her some dinner as I know she hasn't eaten yet, I know how much she loves pasta I should do that and get some wine also. Maybe I should just ask her, I reached into my pocket only to realise I'd left my mobile at home, it's fine I'll just get something small and head back fast. 

As I arrived back at my home my door is ajar, I know I didn't leave it like that, but maybe Willow decided to come to mine instead. One foot inside I don't see her, "Willow? are you here?". I place down the bag and close my door when I suddenly hear footsteps creeping from my bedroom. "So that's her name?" He spoke softly. I know that voice, I swung my head around and there he was, emerging from the darkness of my hallway, wearing what he always does a suit and expensive jewels that he didn't buy.  "She smells sweet, you always did like them sweet" he chuckled. 

Cassius, the man who saved me, who framed me, who made me into the monster you see today, the man who left me in that asylum knowing I would kill all those innocent people, who left me to die. Without letting him get another word out my body moved on its own, I lunged at him, grasping him by the throat and throwing him across the floor towards the door, "Don't even speak of her, get out before I kill you as I should have done years ago" Not taking my eyes off him even for a moment, he stood up wiping down his suit as if that angered him more than me launching him. 

His eyes were black as always, not a soul in sight, he smiled so devilish. "Still angry then? come on Dante it's been years, get over it, it was just a bit of fun" he spoke as he sat down at the bar, allowing himself to be comfortable in my home as if I had invited him here myself, "FUN? FRAMING ME AND LEAVING ME TO KILL INNOCENT PEOPLE WAS FUN?" I screamed and grabbed the nearest bar stool, smashing it on the floor and grabbing a piece of the wood, I yet again threw myself at him but before I could get close he had me by the throat as I had done to him and knocking the stake out of my hand "Oh do relax Dante, you know I'm much stronger than you, though it does smell like you've been consuming human blood finally, so maybe you have a chance, wanna try it?" he smiled again then loosened his grip, "But fortunately for you, I'm only here to talk so fighting is off the table, you seem to have gotten yourself into a pickle and I'm here to help" He lights up a cigarette and offers me one. 

I don't sit, just stand at a distance, staring him down, what is he doing here? after all these years. He is right though, he is stronger than me, and I can't let him near Willow, I wouldn't be able to protect her from him, I light my cig and speak up, "What are you talking about? my life is fine here without you, thanks for stopping by though, you can go now before I-" he interrupts me with a stand "Your in love with a human Dante" he glares at me with such intensity I almost feel like I'd been told off by a parent. His reasoning for being here doesn't sit well with me, how does he know? why is he saying it like it's a bad thing? "and what you'd thought you'd swoop in here like a hero and save me from heartbreak? well I don't need your help we are fine so get out".

He clears his throat and strides toward me, "Your hunger for her is growing stronger by the day, isn't it? it's only going to get worse, till it feels like needles in your throat and you won't be able to resist any longer and before you know it you will snap and you'll kill her" My face is hot with anger, my eyes fixed on his "What are you talking about? we are fine, she's been giving me her blood so that won't happen, nothing like that will ever happen, leave, now!" he sighs at my response, "Dante, I'm saying this because I care, it will happen, it's inevitable, just like it did with me. How I see it you have two options here, turn her or kill her" His words were like knives in my chest, I can feel them, burrowing in slowly. 

The realization hits me, I have been a lot more hungry lately, but I would never hurt her, I'd sooner die before I did. "You've said what you needed to now leave" I can no longer bring my eyes up to his, I just hear his footsteps distancing from me before they stop again, "I am sorry for what I did to you, I will make it up to you Dante, you must know everything I do for you I do out of love to make you stronger, you'll see that when you're older, and though you may never want to see me again, I will give you one last gift of setting you free before I leave this town, you'll see". The door finally shuts and I just drop to the floor, if I was human I'd probably be having a panic attack about now, I don't even understand half of what he said just now it didn't make sense, all I know is right now I need to see Willow. 

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