Day 2

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The gentle breeze slightly rustles the delicate yet strong leaves of the trees, their color of a brilliant green reminds you of the eyes of a certain someone.

Well, time to get started then.

After you set your phone to record, you begin speaking:

"Day 2 of convincing my dear boyfriend to show himself, instead of hiding in the bushes." you slightly looks behind you. Sending a small smile to the hunter hidden in the foliage, how in turn fires an arrow at your feet. Securely and carefully tied to it is a bracelet with a bow and arrow shaped charm. A present.

"Awww, Rook, that is so sweet of you!" you can't resist praising the little gift. What a lovely boyfriend you have!

The fact that passing students look at you like you're mad doesn't matter at all! They just don't get it, is all.

"Uhh... henchhuman...?..." your cat creature friend starts.

"Yes, Grim?"

"...Don't you think that guy's a lot little weird?"

"And why would I think that?" you inquire, trying to clasp the bracelet close, but failing. As you let out a small sound of frustration, you feel a presence behind you.

Rook has come to your rescue!

He gently grasps your hand and then clasps the bracelet perfectly snug against your wrist, after which he places a chaste kiss upon it.

And then he addresses Grim with a close-eyed smile:

"Oui, why would mon amour ever think that?" the hunter asks.

All Grim can do is gulp, before making a run for it. Wonder why he's in such a hurry all of a sudden. He's probably just hungry, right?

platonic (this is full-on enemies)

Yuu opens the recording app on their phone, it took them around five minutes because the phone kept lagging, and Yuu almost threw it against a wall in frustration.

Sighing, Yuu begins to speak:

"Day 2 of challenging the guy that keeps hunting students for sport to a battle of... uhhh.. wits? endurance?"

But the prefect is interrupted by an arrow flying past them, millimeters away from their face.

"I KNOW YOU'RE THERE, HUNT!!!" they scream as they charge towards one of the school's ancient apple trees, arms outstretched towards it's trunk and branches.

Yuu intends to climb the tree, but Rook was faster, jumping down from the branches and sprinting towards the greenhouse. 'Trying to get me in an enclosed space, are you now, Hunt.' the prefect thinks. Followed be them producing a throwing knife from their school uniform jacket.

"...Let's see how you like THIS!" hold, aim and THROW!

The knife embeds itself into the ground, much too close for Rooks comfort. He pauses for a second. And then shoots another arrow, this one lodging itself into a tree trunk... after almost grazing Yuus ear in the process.

"FINE!" the prefect gives. "You win this one!" they continue "But remember! I'm coming for you, Hunt!!!" and with that Yuu returns to collect their knife and phone.

"...What an eventful day, huh..." they glance towards their friends.

"What the hell, dude?!" is all Ace manages to say, his face contorted in utter disbelief.

"Uh... prefect... why do you have a throwing knife?" Deuce asks, he looks slightly worried. Wonder why.

"...You don't need to know that." is all they get as a reply.

plot twist: both Yuu and Y/N live at NRC in the same universe, might be sibling, who knows

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