Settling in nicely

673 11 14

It's been a couple of weeks since Gerard started working at the garage.
He's a very good worker.
Harry seems to absolutely love him and has took him under his wing to show him all the ropes.

"Good choice you made" he said to one day. "He's a great asset to this garage and he's such a friendly guy"

The other guys, James and Lee, both think he's great and they are constantly joking, playing tricks and ribbing each other on the most smallest of things.

Me and Gerard have been getting on well too. I've learnt to control the blushing and I can have good communication with him.
We often sit and talk on our lunch together about his comic book he's writing and we have the same taste in music and movies too.
I have learnt he is single. He got divorced last year from his wife and has a teenage daughter.
He shares custody of her and she is his pride and joy.

He is very easy to talk with and is firm becoming a good friend too.


I walk into the office on a Friday morning.
Hang my coat and bag up and walk over to the lunch room to get my first coffee of the day

It's the middle of February and still really cold outside.
The garage doesn't have too much heating as the floor is made from solid concrete so there are small heaters in parts of the workshop to keep the chill off.
The lunch room and my office are the warmest places to be, luckily for me.

"Good morning early bird" sings that voice I have come to know. "I've already made your latte, just the way you like it".

"You are an absolute star, what would I do without you now" I jokingly replied.

I take a sip and feel the hot liquid start to warm my body.

"What are you doing tonight?" Gerard asked.

"I dunno, probably nothing. I don't have a very hectic social life" I said laughing.

"Well there is a band playing at The Showbar tonight. I've been wanting to see them for ages and a few of my friends are going" he said. "Did you want to come with me?"

"With you? Or meet you there?" I asked.

"With me, I can pick you up around 7pm tonight if you like". He stood there smiling, waiting for a reply.

"Erm, yes I guess so. Sounds like fun". Thinking to myself, how could I say no to that smile.

"Cool, it's a date. I will see you at 7pm".
He smiled again, turned around and walked out..

Date?.....DATE?. Must just be a 'cool' thing to say. Wouldn't be an actual date if his friends will be there too.

I took another sip of my coffee and walked to my office. Inside I was grinning like a crazy woman.

Now, what do I wear?


Glancing in the mirror, I try and straighten my eyeliner for the millionth time. Damn why is it so hard?. My hands are shaking. I'm kinda nervous about tonight. I'm meeting his friends!.

I grab my black jeans and pull them up over my hips. Slip my black vest top over me and put my hands in my bra to perk up the girls in front. Might as well make a little effort.

I hear a short knock at my front door. I walk down the hallway and open it up.

"Hey Gee, I'm nearly ready. I just need to grab a jacket" I shout as I run away from the door and Gerard walks in.

"No worries" he calls back. "I will just wait here"

I return three minutes later with my black hooded jacket on.

"Let's go" I cheer, punching an arm in the air.

I grab my keys from the table in the hallway and lock the door behind us as we walk out. I shove them in my bag and follow Gerard to the car.

"Nice car" I say to him. Admiring his Volvo S40. Black paint work, leather interior, alloy wheels. The full sport bodykit.

I can't help it, cars are in my blood ever since I began working at Meadowhall.

He opens the passenger side door for me.
"There you go M'Lady" he says in a posh British voice.
I giggle and get inside..

We arrive at The Showbar and Gerard parks the car in the car park. We both get out and start walking to the courtyard near the entrance.

"Hey Gee Man, come over here" I hear someone shouting
I look over from where the voice was coming from and see three guys standing in the queue near the doorway.

"Hey guys, what's up?. I'd like you to meet my friend". He gestures towards me.

A tall man holds out his hand to shake mine. He has a blunt cut hair style, very stylish.

"I'm Mikey. I guess Gee didn't say he was seeing his brother tonight" he laughed

"Brother?" I say, sounding startled. "I didn't think I'd meet family members tonight". We both laughed

Another hand reaches out

"Hi I'm Ray" says the soft spoken man. He has so much hair on his head. I'm amazed how he keeps every brown curl in place.

I smile at him and shake his hand. Just then another hand appears from nowhere

"I'm Frank, you are cute. I can understand why Gee invited you now" he giggled.

I felt my cheeks turning warm again like they did when me and Gerard had one of our first encounters. I turned to Gerard and he just stands there with his eyes open wide, looking back at Frank.

I start to laugh as he looks like a deer in headlights.

"C'mon guys, the show is gonna be starting soon" chirps Mikey.

Gerard turns to me and grabs my hand. I feel that soft skin again.

"Let's go inside" he's says "I need a very large, strong drink"

I laugh and let him lead the way

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