The Circuit

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It's a hot day. Really hot.
Gerard had parked his car in the garage they had allocated for him just off the pit. There was hundreds of people swarming around all the small garages that lined the pit lane.
They swooned over the vast amount of cars that were taking part in the track day today.
All types of cars were on offer.
I walked around to see who Gee would be on the track with.
There was a couple of fancy sports cars, a lot of modified racer type cars and some old classics too.

I went back to Gerard's section to see him under the bonnet with Harry, double checking everything was perfect before he got out on the track.

I hear cheering behind me and Mikey, Frank and Ray had appeared.

They were all here to cheer Gerard on, even though it wasn't a race and there was no winners or prizes, it was nice to have the support for him.

They all flocked around the Trans AM and gazed into the engine section.

I was just standing by the door watching them when a guy pushed past me and was followed by four of his friends.

"Hey, nice car. Fancy making a wager on who's is faster" he asked loudly.

He was a tall man. I probably wouldn't even say man. He was late teens, around 19 years old. All his friends looked around the same age.

He had a black leather jacket on with a wing emblem on the back. His hair slicked back.
He reminded me of one of the boys who came from money. Daddy bought him everything and he never took no for an answer as he always wanted his own way.

I looked back to the car he had just arrived in. It was a Ferrari F8 in bright red!. I guessed right. He was definitely a rich boy from Daddy's money!

"A wager?. How much for?" Asked gearad, replying to him.

"100 bucks for 3 laps unless you want to make it more" the rich boy laughed.

Frank tugged Gerard's sleeve. "Do you really want to be dealing with these kind of people?" He said, looking at him in a disapproving way.

"Don't worry Frank. Rich boys have the power but don't have the skill" he said, saying loud enough for them all to hear.

The boy stuck his hand out, waiting.
Gerard stepped forward and shook it.

"Let's get on the track" the boy said while turning round and gathering his friends to follow him.

Gerard put the bonnet down with a thud and walked round to the drivers door.

I ran up to him before he could open it.
"Don't do this, it's stupid" I begged him.
"Honestly, don't worry. I can handle it" he replied.
He grabbed my chin with his thumb and finger and edged my face closer to his to kiss me.
I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and kissed him back...hard.

"Just be careful Gee" I said softly " I love you"

"I love you too" he said back, giving me another kiss before getting in the car.

I walk backwards to stand with the rest of the guys. Mikey puts a reassuring arm around my shoulders as we all watch Gerard drive out of the garage into the pit lane.

We all walk to the end of the pit where there was a small observation deck. We climbed up so we could see the majority of the track where Gerard would be riding.

We look back at the pit and the start line. The Trans AM and the Ferrari have lined up next to each other.
A guy walks out with a green flag. Holding it upwards in a vertical position.

The anxiety creeping up my throat is unbearable. I feel like I want to gag and be sick.

I carry on looking over to the man with the flag and watch him wave it downwards.

The roar of both engines are so loud and there is smoke coming out from both vehicles.

They move off like a shot, both cars next to each other.

I take a huge gulp, my mouth is dry and there is an uncomfortable feeling in my stomach.

We all watch the cars drive off around the bends, still driving close to each other.

Picking up speed as they turn each corner of the circuit.
Both driving so quick that they reach the line before zooming over it to start the second lap.

Gerard is driving really well. Even better than the rich boy.  I just can't help but feel so nervous.

I watch as Gerard takes the lead as they come past us again. Last lap!.

I think I stopped breathing as I watch him do the last ride of the race. Just waiting for him to cross the finish line.

I see them in a distance. Gerard is just in front by milliseconds.
It's so close!.

All of a sudden, rich boys Ferrari make a slight turn into the Trans AM. It clips the front wheel and both cars start to wobble. The Ferrari slows down.

Next I know, I see the Trans AM head towards the barrier. It brushes the side and then flips over 180°, landing on its roof. It's like it all happened in slow motion

I'm stood there, shocked, not breathing then suddenly I let out a huge scream.


I try to run down on to the circuit but Frank and Ray are behind me, holding me back.

"GET OFF ME, I NEED TO GET TO GEE!" I scream. Trying so hard to shake them off but they were a lot stronger that what I was.

I'm crying, screaming, struggling to break free from the grip of two men, all while watching smoke bellow from the Trans AMs engine

I'm screaming at the top of my lungs, hoping for an answer from a familiar voice.
I didn't hear anything

The New Mechanic (Gerard X Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant