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Skipping the episode "The Day of the Dragon" here is basically what happened. Chen has failed to bring the return of the Serpentine War but Clouse reveals that there is another way - his daughter has the ability to absorb the power of every fighter she comes across, so she can complete the ceremony. Skylor finally sees her father for who he truly is and manages to send an SOS to the ninja. Zane unlocked the powers of the Elemental Dragon he then helps us unlock it so now all the masters can do it. Chen also successfully did the transformation and is headed to Ninjago.

The Elemental Masters fly on their Dragons back to Ninjago.

"Chen and his Anacondrai army have a day's start on us. Be prepared for anything and everything." Lloyd announced

"How did we lose so much time?" Kai asked

"You know, you took an oath never to leave a man behind." Dareth replied

"And we're not all quick learners. Mastering your fear to create Power Dragons takes time." Jay replied

"Well, we're running out of that. There's Ninjago City. Hurry." I yelled

"Hurry's my middle name. Hyah!" Griffen smilies taking the lead

"Remember, whatever happens down there, we're stronger united. We fight as one." Lloyd called

"Let's do this!" Jay screamed

I landed in the streets to some nearby citizen screaming at my father how he was a serpentine now. Which means Chen hasn't attacked...


"And hello to you, my old friend." Zane smiles as the Falcon land on his arm

"Ah. You're all back. Zane, look at you. You're all...shiny." Sensei smiled laughing

"But where's your father?" Misako asked Lloyd

"It's me, Misako." My father came out showing her he was now a serpentine

"Don't worry. We have a reason to believe the spell may be wearing off." Skylor said showing us her hand it was becoming normal again

"But if that's true, it only makes Chen more desperate to act now. Everyone, this is Skylor, Chen's daughter." Kai introduced

"You're amongst friends, Skylor." Misako admitted

"Misako could I speak with you for just a moment!"
I asked

She nodded "of couse how can I help you?"

I pulled her away from everyone's earshot "I was wondering if you know any different prophecy's about me becoming evil with the cause of this birthmark." I replied showing her my wrist

Misako gasped looking at it more "I've seen this!"

"You have?!"

"Yes I will bring them to you once this mess is all finished."

"Oh thank you Misako!" I smiled giving her a hug

"There isn't much time. Our friends are on standby but we don't know where Chen will strike first." Lloyd stated as I walked over going the conversation

"And if we're not all there to stop him when he first attacks..." Cole trailed off

"Ninjago will succumb to war. Our greatest fear will come true." Garmadon finished 

"Then the greatest victory will be that which has no battle." Sensei replied

"But how do we prevent a war? How do we stop an enemy we know so little about?" Jay questioned

•The World Isn't Ending• (Cole x Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum