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I smiled at the docks as a father with his son went out to fish.

"Looks like we made this place safe to fish again. If your father was still here, he's tell you he's proud. You've become a great leader, Lloyd." Kai commented to Lloyd

"No, we're a great team. Can't say I don't miss him." Lloyd replied

"It's working!" Cole yelled as they dropped the big fish we caught into a tank I laughed as Jay, Zane, and Cole were splashed

"You look like you could use some help with that." I remarked running over and blowing wind at them to dry their clothes

"Hey, you two gonna get in the picture?" Jay yelled to Kai and Lloyd who were still talking. "No one's gonna believe this. Getting a picture. This is awesome!" Jay spat as we all crowded in smiling

"Back. Back just a little further. Just a little further." Zane critiqued as the photographer snapped a photo before falling in the ocean

"Oh, great! Who's gonna believe us now?" I ask as the fish splashes water on the us again causing us to scream

"We're gonna need your wind Y/n." Jay sighed i nodded grinning and blow drying everyone


We arrived back at Sensei's tea shop dismantling our dragons

"I'm just saying, it was big but, I've seen bigger." Kai commented

"As big as your ego?" I ask smirking

"Right." Zane agreed laughing

"Ninja, you need to find customers." Sensei ordered coming outside with a box

"No hello, how's it going, glad to hear you saved the day ... again?" Jay questioned

"Yeah, Sensei. We're all a bit tired. You mind if we handle this tomorrow?" Cole asked

"We all have a share if this business succeeds. How else do you expect me to be able to afford all your new uniforms?" He puts down the box and opens it. "Which reminds me, your new ones arrived."

"What do they look like now?" Kai questioned

"New suits?" Zane quipped

"Sweet!" Jay jumped up

"I bet they're off the hook." Cole commented

My smile turned into a frown after the seeing the outfits, they are shirts with the Steep Wisdom logo "Huh?"

"Those do not appear to be ninja uniforms. They resemble work attire." Zane replied

"Very observant, Zane. We must focus on furthering brand awareness. And here are the fliers I want each of you to pass out in the city." Sensei explained

"Ugh, If I have to pass all these out, I may be the one passed out!" Jay spazzed

"Aren't we going to look kind of dorky flying up on our Power Dragons with these things on?" Kai asked as we entered the shop

"You won't be flying on anything. We're selling tea, not magic. Besides, you all have been relying a little too heavily on your Elemental Powers lately. Real powers come from the inside." Sensei stated

"It would be our honor, Sensei." Lloyd answered bowing

"Thank you. I'll let them know right away." Misako said as she puts down phone

"Is it a big order?" Nya questioned

"It's the police. They've asked for Lloyd and Y/n. There's been a break-in at the museum." Misako explained

•The World Isn't Ending• (Cole x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now