Chapter 5

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Oh, my gosh this is awkward as fuck.

I don't know what happened a few minutes ago till we gathered at this tiny apartment in ridiculous and inconvinient situasion. Both Loid and Yor remained silent after we arrived. It's more complicated for me to speak because Loid was the one who offered Yor to join our little dinner.

"Uhm... Should we start preparing dinner now? I'm starting to get hungry."

Yor stood up from the couch, startled, as a result of my statement, "Ah! Yes, let's get it together. Anya-san, I will help you."

"You could call me Anya, Yor-san."

She dashed to my side, and we walked to the kitchen together, while Loid sat there and silently watching us. He has a complicated expression, as if he wants to handle this dinner himself rather than delegate it to me.

"Father, don't look at me with that understimate expression. I am capable of taking care of our dinner."

"It's not you that I'm concerned about

Loid cast a glance at Yor and she also realized what that meant, she's taking a quick step back with a flushed face. Instead of being angry, she is embarrassed by what Loid has referred about her.

I sighed after watching these weird couple.

"Yeah, father is correct. I believe it is inappropriate to allow you to cook; after all, you are our guest, Yor-san. So, please take a seat in coach and wait for my cooking."

I gently pushed her back to the couch, and now I see Loid was quietly watching her. I assumed he told me to leave now and let him talk to Yor based on his cold stare to me.

I'm not sure what happened between them, but I can't read their minds today. Because of the previous incident with that cretinous thief, my power is inactive for an unknown period of time, and I am unable to hear any voice right now.

But from their expression, it's explaining everything. Sometimes your emotions aren't conveyed through your words. Instead, it can be read from how you stare, how you breathe in the situation, your shaking gaze, or even your dripping sweat. We, as humans, are an expected creature that can be easily read.

It is simply because our bodies are the most expressive of our emotions.

Because your braincells unconsciously instruct your sense to do as you think, it is a stimulously unconscious act of our sense mechanism.

However, I don't want to interfere with their bussines furthermore. I'm going to leave now.


Loid Forger's POV

Mission 2 : Find a wife

At this moment, I notice a woman with fair skin, long black hair, and red eyes that are upturned. She is currently dressed in a backless red off-the-shoulder sweater, black tights, and a red skirt. She is dressed in a white headband and dangling gold earrings in the shape of small spikes.

"You're incredibly calm now."

As a result of my comment, she takes a glance to me.

"Loid-san, I'm just keeping my cool. It's just a basic etiquete that I should be aware of as a good citizen of Astonia."

"I recall you're not well-educated lady."

"It's kind impolite to bring up my background in this conversation."

"My bad, I said it unconsciously without thinking about your feelings. Please accept my heartfelt apologies, Yor-san."


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