Chapter 30. Decision

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The girl frowned hearing his words, thinking she had misunderstood.

"O-one of... you?"

"A vampire."

Her stomach dropped when he said this, feeling so nervous she had accidently dropped the fork she was holding. It clinked loudly as it hit the marble floor, and the girl was quick to bend down to pick it up feeling her face grow red. When she straightened and placed her fork back on the table she realised Lord Magnus was still waiting for her to speak.


"There's plenty of time before that." Nathaniel intercepted.

At first, she was thankful that he had spoken when he did, but once she processed his words did she felt upset. Was he actually agreeing with his uncle? She thought he loved her despite being human, but maybe it was all a lie.

"Humans are fragile Nathaniel, I've already heard she's been attacked already. Why wait any longer?"

The grip she had on her dress tightened, wanting so badly to say something knowing it wasn't her place to speak. She didn't think this dinner could get any worse, but now she really wanted to leave.

"She's young, we don't have to worry about that for now."

She couldn't hold herself back any longer, and so she leaned closer to him to whisper.

"Nathan I don't want to become a vampire."

Although she had muttered those words quietly only for Nathaniel to hear, Lord Magnus on the other side of the table had heard her perfectly clear with his supernatural hearing.

"Don't you realise you're running out of time, girl? You'll age while my nephew stays the same, is that what you want?

She leaned back in her chair, frightened by his loud words. It seemed his intention was to hurt her, and it was working.

"Of course she knows that." Nathaniel glared at his uncle.

The way he spoke to her was getting on his nerves, and before he could say something again his cousin spoke up.

"You're scaring her father, I'm sure if my cousin truly did love her he would do everything he could to protect her. There's nothing to worry about."

His tone was calm as he was only trying to relieve the tension. Knowing about his past, the girl could sense an undertone of sadness in his words. Lord Magnus kept quiet after that, and it seemed like he listened to his son's words.

Olivia quietly gulped down her drink until it was all gone. Although she was relaxed now that the dinner had gone silent, a pain in her stomach began to grow. She wasn't sure if it was because of all the stress she endured tonight, or if it was because of how quickly she had chugged down her drink. Either way, the pain continued to grow until it became too much to bear. Her head was starting to hurt as well, and the Lord noticed how the girl was sat uncomfortably in her seat.

Standing up abruptly, she politely spoke.

"My apologies, I must excuse myself."

Nobody thought much, except Nathaniel who glanced back watching her dash out the room.

When the doors closed behind her she picked up her pace, but that only seemed to make the pain worse. It felt like her head was going to explode, this wasn't like any regular headache as the pain was way more excruciating.

As she got closer to one of the powder rooms, her legs began to feel like heavy rocks and standing up felt difficult. She guessed she had stood up too quickly from her seat, which explained her dizziness and difficulty to keep her balance. Before she knew it, her legs had finally given up and she plumetted to the floor. Her whole body went numb and black dots began to appear in her vision slowly taking over until everything faded to complete darkness.

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