Chapter 17. The Witch

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Olivia blinked opened her heavy eyes, stretching her arms across the bed as she yawned widely. Watching the sunrise, streaks of light pierced through her window curtains. She had never slept better than she did last night. The girl realised she was in her room, but she did not recall falling asleep here. Memories of last night flashed in her mind, the last thing she remembered was falling asleep on Nathan's shoulder.

Did he carry her to her room while she was asleep?

Her cheeks flushed at the thought, but she quickly shook it off once she sat up from her bed. After taking a quick warm bath, she headed downstairs to the kitchen to eat. The girl also noticed that she no longer felt any pain when she moved, only slightly sore. She hadn't checked but she guessed her wound was probably fully healed by now.

Nathaniel was away from the castle today, for reasons she wasn't told. She had gotten used to him mysteriously being away, and perhaps it was better she didn't know what he was up to.

Once she arrived in the kitchen, Olivia was informed that The Lord had given her brother a morning off duty, so that the girl could have breakfast together with him.

She thought if maybe he did this after she told him about her nightmare. Or perhaps just a coincidence?

Either way, she was grateful. The two siblings caught up with each other during breakfast, Olivia eating some fruit whilst her brother drank blood. They talked about anything they could think of, Anthony had even told her how he had gotten promoted to one of Nathaniel's knight commanders.

She was beyond happy for him and seeing his smile brought her comfort, especially after last night. Anthony was also pleased to see his sister was doing well, the last time he had seen her she almost lost her life. He would have to keep a closer eye on her, at least when Lord Nathaniel wasn't around.

It had been so long since they had a conversation that wasn't small talk. Anthony always being busy with his work at the castle made it hard for her to even find him at times, but she was okay as long as he was happy.

Once she finished her meal, a servant walked up to their table.

"Miss Olivia, The Lord has given me orders to take you to see the healer after breakfast."

A wrinkle formed between her brows. The healer? Was that the witch Nathaniel was talking about yesterday?

Although breakfast was rather short, she was thankful for being able to spend time with her brother. Brushing out her wrinkles from her dress, she followed silently as the servant lead her through the castle corridors.

They were now in an area that she did not recognise, and eventually they stopped in front of a tall, rosewood door.

Turning the handle, the servant held the door open as the girl walked in. Her jaw dropped once she entered, finally letting out the breath that she had been holding for quite some time now.

Shelves and glass cabinets surrounded the room, filled with jars and thin transparent tubes filled with herbs and medicine. In the middle of the room stood a large desk, with a cauldron and other tools and contraptions she didn't understand nor had she ever seen before. Books were scattered around, filled with the knowledge of witchcraft and medicine.

By the brewing corner, stood a slim woman with dark hair tied in a braid. Turning around, she smiled once she met eyes with the girl.

"A pleasure to meet you, Olivia, I'm Opal."

Opal smiled with her friendly green eyes, she had a chain necklace wrapped around her neck and had tan olive skin.

"How is your wound?" She arched an eyebrow.

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