Chapter Three: I Plead Oopsie Daisy

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The car hummed under the four women, each in their own various states of panic.

"Hey," Alexa leaned around the headrest into the front of the car. "How do you get 50 Canadians out of a swimming pool?"

Annie shrugged tiredly. After enjoying a lunch of 7-Eleven slushies and kit-kats, she'd crashed after an hour of singing incorrect lyrics to campfire songs. "I don't know."

Alexa shook her head. "You say, 'please get out of the swimming pool.'" Ruby groaned from next to her.

"I swear to god, if I have to pause my audiobook one more time for one of your sad jokes, I will jump out of this car."

"Ha! You haven't even heard the moose one yet." Alexa giggled maniacally. Ruby gave Beth a concerned look in the review mirror, prompting her to hand a pack of skittles back to Alexa.

"Why don't you eat some skittles and look out the window for blue cars, okay?" She said. She'd found that she had no trouble managing her if she treated her like she did a toddler.

"Hey! I want skittles, too!" Annie pouted.

Ruby rolled her eyes, muttering something that sounded like, "Actual children," before plugging her earbuds back into her ears.

"You've arrived at your destination!" Siri's mechanical voice rang through the car speakers.

Beth frowned, pulling into the parking lot of a festive craft store. "I must've put the address in wrong, one minute," she said, tapping her phone. "It says this is it... did he give us the wrong address?"

Annie snorted. "Yeah. I don't think this is the kind of thing someone just messes up on."

Ruby turned around in her seat to look back at Alexa, her leg bouncing anxiously. "I don't get why we even need to do this! Didn't the watch pay him off?"

"I thought so too, but you don't really say no to a guy like that, I guess," Annie muttered. "Let's just get this over with. Oh hey, Alexa, there's some delivery guys over there."

Alexa motioned for Beth to pull the car closer to the curb, rolling the window down. "Hey? We're here for a delivery- where's your boss?"

A bulky man stepped through the gangle of workers unloading boxes from a truck. He ran his sleeve over his nose, spikey whiskers twitching around his mouth. "Cooking supplies are inside. We don't do curbside deliveries here." He turned away, a patronizing huff of annoyance puckering his face.

All the women in the car rolled their eyes.

Annie rolled down her window. "Hey, dumbass, the only food we make is hot pockets. Give us the dropoff."

The man shook his head, muttering, "Crazy ladies these days," and several other rude comments that had Beth parking the car and storming towards him. Her stylish khaki trenchcoat billowed behind her similarly to a cape as she clicked her boots in front of the man.

"Hey. I get that you think you have the power right now, huh? Well, you don't. It doesn't matter that we're 'crazy ladies' because, in the end, your boss doesn't care what either of us is as long as we get the job done. Okay?"

He shrugged, throwing another box out of the truck. "You're blocking the streamers. Move."

Beth returned to the car, and Alexa scooted lower in her seat, feeling as though she'd rather be stabbed with a rake than have to talk to her right now. "Give me the gun." Alexa sent her a quizzical look. Beth shoved her hand out more forcefully and repeated her demand. "Give me the gun, Alexa."

"Don't look at me, Ruby has it!" She pointed at the woman next to her.

"Oh hell nah," Ruby shook her head. "Remember when you chopped carrots after fighting Dean? I'll go."

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