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Long time no see, right? I'm sorry about that guys! I'm back though, with renewed motivation! I'm not abandoning this story!

First, I'm going to be editing the chapters posted so far! Primarily for continuity, but also to flesh out the main cast more. Nothing major!

I had an entire plot planned out for this- A two-part story, separated by a big cliffhanger. Now I'm not quite sure how crazy it is, and if it's the fun-crazy or the stupidly-implausible-crazy. I'd love to hear some feedback! Should I stick to the plot that delves into Alexa's own criminal history and bring her alliances into the mix? Would you guys be interested in a bit of an enemies-to-lovers arc with Rio and Alexa involving resentment between their respective criminal networks? Would you like to see any side plots? Any specific scenes or tropes you want to play out with Rio and Alexa? Please comment!

I'm open to suggestions, critiques, anything! Mostly I want to hear from readers- I want each update to be as fun for you guys to read as it is for me to write!

Also, I need inspiration and ideas for this story. Please help me out y'all, I don't know what to do without you guys

Sorry again for the wait, and thank you for reading! <3

Also this hit 5k views and over 100 votes! That is crazy guys, I appreciate it so much! I love writing this but seeing this support is a huge motivator! Especially for my first story (well, technically second, but we don't talk about that </3) You guys are the best!

Mr.Big Shot // Rio (Good Girls)Where stories live. Discover now