Chapter Forty-Three

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"Rey, get up!"

Then I was jostled.

I tried to push the person away but they continued to shake me and yell in my ear.

"Would you stop yelling in my ear," I groaned and slowly opened my eyes.

It had been Bruce trying to get me to wake up. He looked relieved that I was awake and finally moved out of the way. "We made it," he said. I looked at him, then stood up and moved to the front of the ship to see out the one window we had.

And there it was, it all of it's glory. The palace was glittering in the light and it almost distracted me from the dark grey plumes of smoke that rose from the city around it. I tore my eyes from the palace to look around the city below to see buildings on fire and destruction all around.

"I thought it'd be a lot nicer," Bruce commented. I rolled my eyes and smacked his arm. "Not- I mean, not that it's not nice, it's just it's- it's on fire..." he explained.

"Smooth," I whispered to him.

Val wasn't paying any attention anymore and had moved on to find something else. "Here, up in the mountains." She pulled up a hologram of a mountain with a giant red dot in it. "Heat signatures, people clustered together."

"The Asgardians," I concluded out loud.

"She's coming for them," Val continued. A new, green dot appeared and showed it moving towards the red.

We needed to move and get all the people out quickly, which wouldn't happen unless Hela was distracted. Something Thor was thinking about, trying to come up with a plan.

"Drop me off at the palace and I'll draw her away," he said. It wasn't a suggesting, it was the plan.

We didn't agree. "And get yourself killed?" Val asked.

"I don't think this is the best idea here, Thor," I added on. Bruce nodded and verbally agreed with me.

"The people trapped down there are all that matter," he said. "While I'm dealing with Hela, I need you three to help get everyone off Asgard." This was an issue considering the amount of people and the size of the ship.

"How the hell are we supposed to do that?" Bruce asked.

Thor, looking straight ahead as if trying to see something answered, "I have a man on the ground."

Not quite the issue at hand here, but we would certainly try our best with the 'man on the ground.'

We landed shortly after and Thor went off to grab some things, telling us to wait while he did. I was going to go back to the table room but Bruce stepped in front of me. "Seriously, Rey, what's going on?" he asked. It was a long shot, but I was hoping he had forgotten what we were talking about before we went through the Anus.

"I don't think this is the best time to talk about it, Bruce. We've got some shit coming our way and that's what we need to focus on," I said. My attempts at moving on weren't successful.

"You can trust me with anything, you know that," Bruce said.

And I did know that. He was one of the first people to truly try and talk to me. He showed me kindness when others wouldn't and didn't care if I was 'dangerous'. I'm very lucky to have him as a friend but even so I couldn't bring myself to tell him about everything that's happened over the past two years. All of the things weighing down on my shoulders were too much for him right now.

I smiled and nodded. "I know, Bruce, of course I do. But this is something that will have to wait. Trust me on this, please."

He wanted to say more, but stopped himself and nodded. "Okay. But you have to promise me we will sit and talk after all this is done. You owe me that much," he said.

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