[Tender Heart] Freddy x fem reader

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Freddy stood up, his legs a bit wobbly and weak. He looked in the mirror, staring at his dripping wet hair. He grabbed some paper towels and dried himself off.

He walked out of the boys bathroom, seeing that the halls were empty. Everyone had already left from school. "Hey! What are you still doing here?" The security guard Moron asked. "Just leaving." Freddy sighed.

Freddy walked out of the school, his phone in hand as he saw missed calls and messages from you. Freddy texted back. 'Don't worry I'll be there soon', he texted.

Soon, he was at your house. He didn't bother to knock on the door. He stumbled in, lazily taking off his shoes and jacket. He fumbled to your door, opening it to see you on your bed. You jumped a bit, usually Freddy knocks.

"Freddy," you smiled. He forced a smile back. He threw his crutch on the floor and crawled next to you in bed. He laid on his back while you laid on your stomach. "What's wrong?" You asked, setting down your phone and resting your hand on his chest. "Nothing. I'm fine." Freddy lied.

He usually doesn't lie to you about this stuff, but recently, he has been. Freddy realized how emasculating it is to cry in front of you. He wants you to see him as a strong and capable boyfriend, not this little weak geek.

"I was just sad about how I didn't like the new Batman movie." He said. "Really? I liked it." You admitted. "Yeah well, it wasn't that great." Freddy snapped.

You shrunk your hand back. "Freddy.. is something wrong?" You asked. "I said everything was fine." Freddy said. You stared at him, searching his expression. You leaned away from him, leaning against the wall.

"If— if it was something I did wrong than just tell me." You urged. Freddy sat up, staring at you. "No—" Freddy sighed. "You've done nothing wrong." Freddy said, scooting closer to you and grabbing your hand.

You rubbed his hand with your thumb, reassuring him in that small gesture. "Look, the Breyer's just gave me a swirly, again. I smell like toilet water, and I feel tired." Freddy said. He was talking too much, like usual. "I'm not enough." He finished.

"Freddy." You sighed, running your fingers through his curly hair. You made him face you, and you rested your forehead on his. "You are so enough. Goddamn it Freddy, you're enough. There's always going to be people that drag you down but you know what, the best thing to do is not let it get to you." You said. "You just have a tender heart. My ray of sunshine, you have always been enough. For me, at least."

Freddy laughed sadly, you always know the right words. He let his head fall onto your lap, his head resting on your thighs. You petted him, whispering sweet nothings to him.

He's enough, he thought to himself, he's enough for you.

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