Chapter Six- Lies and club

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"Hey mom" I greeted her; she turned her whole body to me leaving what she was doing aside. He looked amused with what I wore. Yeah, I only wear this when I am going somewhere important or when we are hanging out.

"Where are you going?" Before I could reply her, Abbey walked looking cute in his new dress he bought last year for New Year but unfortunately he didn't wear it because he was sick. My lil bro looks handsome and amazing; the girl must be really cool and beautiful. Now, I am jealous, he has never dressed so neatly if I ask him to hang out with me.

"Where are you two going that you are dressed like this?" she asked, looking curious.

"well, you know abbey is about to finish his high school and he really needs to pass for him to graduate and luckily be given scholarship, so I advised him to try night reading at library I do go to when I want to read where there is no disturbance, so he took the advice, so I want to escort him to the library and show him around" I lied, seriously I don't know where I got those lies from.

"Okay but Abbey, why are you dressed like this?" I don't think she will give up anytime soon.

"I just think I should try it on since I never wore it before and besides it's cold outside, Long sleeves will help" he also lied; I think he is prepared for this.

"Where are the books you want to read when you get to the library" that will spoil everything.

"Mom, what is the purpose of the library? Well, I was the one that told him not to take any book along with him since he will see the books he wants there" I lied again seriously.

"Okay but don't be late and don't cause trouble there. Angelina, take care of your brother. You know how troublesome he could be" she said, dismissing us. Great!

"You are a heck of a liar" I said to Abbey immediately when we got out of our compound not forgetting to smack him.

"Then you should be a graduate at the school of liars if there is one," he replied.

"Shut up. We are only using an hour there, understand?" I told him.

"Okay, no problem"

"Don't impregnate the girl or else you will be on the street" I warned him.

"Trust me I was raised well"

"Okay so tell me when will we get to the club?" I asked him.

"Five minute from now, it's just a regular club in town"

"Okay, so tell me, what is the girl's name?" I asked him with curiosity.

"Her name is Maria, she is my classmate but she is from a rich family. Her elder sister is a well known model Molly Augustine" he explained.

"Don't mess with the rich, just be careful" I warned him, after a while I asked him "do you think she feels the same?"

"Of course Angelina, she lowered her standard for me. She always defends me at school, I love her and she loves me too" I am so happy for him.

"Okay that's cool, but you have to tell mom and dad sooner, you know. I feel guilty of lying to them." I said.

"Angel, you aren't a young girl anymore to always do what they do. I am not saying you shouldn't obey them but stop living the life of a freaking 15 years old girl. You have to date a guy and you need a friend, you live an adolescent life except for that you are working your ass out to make sure we have a good life" he said.

"Shut up," I told him.

"Seriously angel, live your life" he said.

"But I am living it and I love the way I am living it"

"Really? Well get a friend, date a guy and forget about the past, hmm baby girl"

"You are just wasting your energy on this discussion, now are we already there?" I said, and that's the truth.

"So tough to deal with" he said, we walked for a few seconds before we stopped in front of a club, it looked like a cheap club. I am doing this for my brother. "And we are there" he said to me.

He held my hand as we walked through the doors. This place is filled with drunkards and sluts, seriously abbey? It was difficult to walk through the sweat bodied people. The whole place smells of sweat, alcohol and cigarettes. Not to talk about the music that filled the air, it will be difficult to hear what people are saying seriously.

"Go and sit over there at the bar section, I won't take long" Abbey shouted to my ear for me to hear what he was saying.

I glared at him and made my way to the bar to sit. Fucking hell.

Dave's point of view:

What the freaking shit? This place will be little my standard and worth in the society. This is a cheap club, seriously. Fuck you Chris.

"What the fuck Chris? This club is too cheap for my standards. I am going back right now" I yelled over the phone.

"Shut and come inside, come and see the packaging I have for you, don't forget that we are exploring new p***ies" he paused "and don't forget you are coming to the VIP lounge, bye" before I could reply to him, he hung up. Seriously.


I entered and went straight to the VIP lounge. I saw Chris in a corner making out with a slut, seriously.

"Idiot" I called out to him.

"You came, I know you will, man whore" he stood leaving the whore behind but she followed him as he made his way to me.

"Shut up, where are the babies?" I said, not bothering to accuse him of the club he made me come. I need a baby. He signaled to two girls and they made their way to me smiling sexily.

"Don't bother me again" he warned before going back to the corner with the lady.

They both sat beside me rubbing my body. My eyes roamed the entire club until it landed on a girl sitting alone at the bar section.

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