Thirty Two- A secret from him

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Dave’s point of view:

I wish Angelina could allow me to explain why I did that to her. I wish she can give me a chance to prove myself.

I know what I did was wrong but I have a reason for my wrong deed. Molly won't stop bugging me about me. She was just shouting up and down, she even threatened me with hurting the baby so I had to give in to her demands.

I wish she could just hear me out.

Immediately I got down from the car, I ran inside the kitchen, I knew she would be there. But to my surprise she was not there, I went out of the kitchen to her room. I know she will surely be them. I opened the door and checked the inside. She is not here. Maybe she is in the bathroom. I went to the toilet and checked there. She is also not there. I almost went out of the toilet until I knew the setting had been changed. Not changed though but some things there are missing. I don’t know but things are nowhere to be found here.  Then it clicked with me.  Angelina's things.  I went to her wardrobe to check If her clothes were still there. Unfortunately, there was no freaking pin in her wardrobe.  Wait, does that mean Angelina has packed out?  No, she can't do this to me, she can't just. I searched all of her room to see if she packed her things somewhere but her room holds nothing of hers.

I went out of the room to search for her but she was not answering. After an hour of searching the whole house. I fell on my knees and shouted her name, maybe she heard me and called me my name but unfortunately I didn't get any response.

"Lover boy, your baby girl has packed out of the house in anger.  I guess she is still angry about their little adventure together.  We didn't even complete it because of that bitch" She said.

"Molly you say anything about her again, and I will be your worst nightmare and mind you I mustn't see you in my room, go to the next room and start living there still your delivery time. I mustn't see you in my room when I come back" I told her.  I went out of the house to my parking lot.  I entered my car and drove home. My dad's house. 

As soon as I got there, I rushed out of the car to my dad's study room. I know where he will be at this time. I barged in his study room, He sat on his office chair typing something on his laptop.  I know he is working on one of his files. As soon as he saw me, he closed his laptop and rested his back against the office chair. He smiled at me like he was welcoming me to his office. I know he is the mastermind behind all this.

"Where is Angelina? I asked him angrily.

"Angelina? What do you mean by that? Angelina should be at your house; after all she is your maid. Please don't disturb me with this. Okay?" he said.

"Dad, don’t play innocent, I know you are aware of where she is." I said

"I don't know where she is. I am giving you my words. If I know where she, I would have told you, trust me"

Maybe the father is speaking the truth. If he doesn't know where Angelina is, that means she must have gone without anyone knowing except Molly's.

I can't believe she did this.

"Do you perhaps know her house address, dad?" I asked him.

"No son" he said, he looked disturbed by that question.

"look son I have a confession, if I don't tell you, my conscious will always judge me so let me tell you" he said

"That you know where Angelina is?" I hope that he wants to tell me.

"No that is not it son, why I want to tell you will break your heart but you have to forgive me, okay"

What is he talking about?

"Go on" I encouraged him

"What the investors said is false.  I made a deal with them. They lie to you; they get shares in one of my branches. You becoming a father before they can invest in your company is a damn lie. All I wish is to see my grandchildren or child before I die. And I know you won't give me what I want so I made deal with the investors because I know you needed them at that moment for your company." he said

"That's mad, you know.  Why did you do it?" I know there is a reason you did it, so tell me or I would be angry for what you did.  And you know my anger holds a lot of dangerous things.  I am going to expose those investors to the press. Should I?" I threatened him. 

"Why would you do that? It is not that fault" he said

"Then whose fault" They lied to me because of shares that's corruption.

"Fine I will tell you" he looked down

"Go on please” I said

"My last medical report reveals that I have heart disease which can lead to stroke any time soon." That my days are numbered. That was the reason why I planned all this.  And I see good qualities in Angelina. I know the girl can change your ways, that’s it" he said. 

Heart disease?  And he didn't bother telling me about it.

Oh no dad.  I don't want anything to happen to him.  He is my buddy.  How can I even live without this man not in my life? I can't bear that life, no

"You are hiding such a huge thing from me and I? How can you even not tell me?  I see I am not that important in your life, right?  Because if I am someone important in your life, you would have told me immediately you heard."

"Calm down buddy" 

"don't you dare tell me to calm down." How can I live without you? how? Tell me.I can't live without you buddy.  You should have told me" I sobbed you should have told me"

"Did mom know about it?" I asked. He shook his head negatively.I see he is hiding it from the two of us to save us from unnecessary worries. Absurd, really ridiculous.  I can't believe he can do this. 

"I am booking an appointment with you and your doctor, you will give me feedback on what he says, okay?" he nodded "And you have to rest from your work, I can handle that, don't argue with me" I said.

"But son please don't let your mom find out about this, you know how worried she can be at time" he said

"I will keep it a secret as long as you obey what I say” he nodded and it was done. 

Since that time, dad has been going to his doctor on the meeting days, he was told to stay away from stress including the office work and he did. I also kept my promise. 

"Angelina's point of view:

"No one should ever tell Dave about this pregnancy or ever where I am please" I instructed them. My mom, my dad is sorted beside me while Dave's mom and dad are on the phone. 

"If that what makes you happy Angelina" Mr. martins said

"Is that really necessary, Angelina?  You can just forgive him and let bygones be bygones." Mrs. Martins, Dave's mom said on the phone.

"I will tell him when it is time, do we have a deal now?" I asked them all.

And they all said in chorus "Yes".

Exactly what I want. 

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