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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


"Alright, Matsuno," Baji loudly put his hands on the table, making Chifuyu shake his head in annoyance. "You got a girlfriend and didn't even tell me? And why are you carrying her stuff now?"

The blondie sighed, grabbing his head. "She's just a random library girl who left her book." Keisuke looked at his friend, analyzing his features. Guess he really doesn't have a girlfriend...

The black haired took off his glasses, putting them on Chifuyu. "Tsk, what are you doing?" The latter groaned, pushing Baji's hands away.

"Well, maybe if you wear this, you'll finally get a girl," Keisuke laughed, holding his stomach. "Damn, you look so dumb! Dumber than me!"

Chifuyu rolled his eyes, turning away from his friend. "These are your glasses, Baji.." He muttered, closing his eyes.

Being in a gang taught Chifuyu to value other people's lives. He couldn't bear to see innocent ones get hurt because of the delinquents' stupidity. His mind was still replaying that one scene with the unknown library girl. And no, he didn't develop a crush on her. As a respectful man he is, he wouldn't want people with a great taste get hurt. He wondered if gangs were involved with her or could the person on the phone be a gang member.

He snapped out of his thought, as Baji shook a math book that belonged to the girl. "If you're still thinking about your princess, let's go to librarian and ask the owner of a book."

Keisuke's idea seemed smart, if only there wasn't one odd thing: how could a librarian tell the person? Are they studying her fingerprints? If she had a name written inside, Matsuno would do it himself. He shook his head, snatching a book away. "I'm just gonna give it to her today, she seems to like the library anyway."

And as it was settled, Chifuyu headed to library after school. Even though Baji insisted, blondie flicked him off. He wasn't sure of the time she was supposed to come to library, but he decided to simply wait for her.


"Oh, hey Matsuno!" The old librarian greeted the boy, sweetly smiling at him. "What brings you here this early today?"

Chifuyu rubbed the back of his head, not being sure of how to properly answer the question. "Just got bored. You don't mind, do you?"

The old man chuckled, coughing in between, "Of course not, dear. Assume this library to be your second home."

Chifuyu's gaze softened at how adorable this man was. He quickly bowed and headed to the reading corner again. It surprised him how no one visited the library ever, so seeing some girl with similar interests made him feel slightly confident.

As he went further to the room, he noticed that he was the only visitor today. "She's probably gonna come later..," Chifuyu sighed, taking his favorite seat. He pulled out the math book and placed it on the table, still observing it for some time.

Minutes of waiting turned into hours, yet there was no sign of a girl. Chifuyu aggressively tapped his foot, checking time. He looked outside the window, noticing that it was already too late. "She's not coming..," he sadly chuckled, realizing that he spent 6 hours waiting for a random girl who simply forgot her book. Might as well as court her.

Waiting for her further seemed in vain, because he already sat there for a big amount of time. He quickly put his books inside the bag and slowly stood up, eyes still roaming around the whole library. "What the hell is she?" Chifuyu whispered to himself, thinking that yesterday's meeting scared the girl away. He glanced at the math book in his arms, that was being safe this whole time by his company.

"This is pointless," Matsuno said, biting his lower lip. "Baji's going to make fun of me for the rest of my life for this." The old man was nowhere to be seen, so Chifuyu just decided to go without saying bye to him.

He opened the door, pushing his body outside, but something was wrong. Chifuyu's body made contact with someone else's, seeming like the second person was wanting to enter the library. Due to the darkness the blondie couldn't really see this annoying human being, but his heart and mind suggested one certain person, for whom he has been waiting. By a sudden impact the girl fell down, and so did the book Chifuyu was holding.

"Shit," he mumbled and stared at the emptiness of the night, before reaching out a hand to help a girl. Yet she didn't seem to be taking it — she stood by herself, totally ignoring Chifuyu. Was that intended? He didn't know. He looked around to find a math book only to see it in her hands.

She didn't say "thanks" or anything like that, just simply ignored all Matsuno did. And surely, it wasn't her first time doing this. Her behavior was really strange, and he couldn't figure out the reason behind it. Whatever it was, that surely made Chifuyu's self esteem get even lower.

They continued standing like this, staring at each other and not exactly knowing what to do. Was she scared of him? Did she learn that he was a delinquent? Did this fact scare her away?

But still, Chifuyu felt annoyance — this girl seemed really rude. "I waited for six hours, thinking you would show up." Matsuno calmly stated, suppressing  the disappointment in his tone. The girl looked away from him, taking a few steps back. "And that is how you repay?" He asked again, slowly going to her too.

"I didn't ask," the girl replied with the same tone as Chifuyu, as if mocking him. She tightened the grip on her book and stopped going back, "I never said that i was going to come back to the library too."

Matsuno stopped on his tracks, realizing that she was sort of right, but he couldn't lose to her, "But you did come back. Clearly because of the book. And you won't even say a simple 'thanks'?"

She sighed in annoyance, "Thank you so much, my hero! Will that be enough for you to stop pestering me?" She turned to leave, but Chifuyu called her out again.

"What are you so rude for? I have never done a thing to you, and you treat me this way already," he said, being a bit upset. Of course he was saddened by this. He thought that he would make friends with a girl with similar likings, but she turned out to be an arrogant bitch.

"Do I even need to explain myself on this one? You delinquents seem to be so full of yourselves.." She firmly replied, shaking her head.

Chifuyu raised his hand, but quickly pulled it down, seeing that the girl was already far away from him.

"But you don't even know me..."

Fata Morgana | M. Chifuyuحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن