III. Confrontation/Explanation.

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Tails and Wave took Cream outside, to a flowing river. There, Cream fell asleep.

"I don't understand." said Tails.

"What?" asked Wave.

"I know there is something going on, but I don't have the details, so I can't piece things together. Sonic has a dark secret, but he won't tell us." added Tails.

"Listen." began Wave with a deep sigh. "I'm not that good at giving ted talks and all that, but whatever he's hiding, he knows it's something that will make us despise him. At least, that's what I caught from his worried face. And I suggest, for the sake of our mental health, to just sleep this off, or whatever we're doing right now."


"No. Thinking this thing through will only damage our minds. I know I am a brilliant engineer, just like you, but I am not as scientifically smart as you are." said Wave, cutting Tails off.

"Right. Sorry." said Tails.

"Hey." said Jet from behind.

"Hi, Jet." responded Wave.

"Are you two talking about Sonic?" asked Jet.


"He was pretty fast for his confidence. I thought I would be able to outdo him in a race, but he was always as fast, if not faster. But now, that this world-level disaster is happening, I can't fathom how much I miss our races." said Jet.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Tails?" a voice came from their left side.

A green tenrec in a prisoner outfit and a blue fenec wearing a gadget of some sort on his back appeared.

"Who are you two? Eh, doesn't matter. Heard that Sonic was roughed up, so we came for a little visit." said the tenrec.

"Surge and Kitsunami..." said Tails.

"Alright, I don't who you two freaks are, but we were in the middle of a conversation. So, if you would leave us alone, that would be perfect." said Jet in a well-mannered, slightly threatening tone.

"Pssht. As if. If you losers want to keep crying over your "hero", fine, but he won't be here to save you from us two." said Surge the Tenrec.

"That is not correct." a whisper came from behind the two.

A tall, shadow-faced silhouette of Sonic stood over Surge, staring down at her. Surge looked behind and, startled, jumped away. Kitsunami slowly backed away.

"I still remember that time you attacked Station Square and hurt Tails. Do you remember what I said back then? 'If you come near my friends again, I'll make sure your corpse will never be seen again.'" said the tall creature, taking a step towards Surge.

"W-wait, wait! I-I-"

"Save it. My remorse regarding your death ran out."

Tails, Jet and Wave heard a glitched scream, then saw Surge's head and arms ripped off her body. The creature then turned to Kitsunami, who swiftly ran away, crying in fear.

The three then looked at the creature, also scared. However, the creature disappeared in an instant, leaving them traumatized.

Meanwhile, inside the Hidden Palace, Amy and Blaze returned.

"Where's Sonic?" asked Amy.

"Hey, guys! Sorry for the delay. I had to...'get rid' of a few flies... Anyway, are you alright?" asked Sonic, unusually cheery.

"Yeah. Turns out, Amy is much scarier in her Super Form." said Blaze.

"Well, I'm glad to see everything is alright. Where are Tails, Jet and Wave?" asked Sonic.

"They're with Cream, outside. I think they'll come any second now." said Silver.

As Silver said, Tails, Cream, Jet and Wave came back. Cream was now cheery, while the other three looked terrified.

"Mr. Sonic! I am so glad to see you are healthy!" said Cream, running to Sonic.

"Hi Cream. Anyways, what happened to you three?" asked Sonic.

Jet and Wave walked further away from Sonic, while Tails stood there.

"H-hey, Sonic. Mind i-if we talk o-outside a bit?" he said.


Sonic and Tails walked back to the murder scene. Sonic looked at the corpse of Surge, then Tails spoke.

"Tell me the truth."

"What are you-?"

"I said. Tell. Me. The truth. I am tired of being lied to and seeing people die. So tell me, who are you, really?" asked Tails, irritated.

"... Fine. I tried to hide this as long as I could, but here we go. Remember when you asked me about my backstory? We were interrupted by Amy back then, and even she didn't intervene, I couldn't say anything. Now sure, I could've erased your memories of my backstory, but it felt wrong."

"You what...?!" asked Tails.

"My name isn't Sonic. In fact, I had no name. I was a creature, a shapeshifter, if you will. I was, what that scientist guy, Trollge, called, an Alternate. I was the first of my kind, but after he experimented on me, he created more Alternates, all filled with bloodlust. I hid away in this world, disguised as a simple blue hedgehog named Sonic. Eggman wasn't involved with my Alternate self, and I saw him as a challenge, because I didn't have all that much to do, except explore this world. Then, I met you, them Knuckles, Amy and so on. That was when I discovered the meaning of friendship. And, now, after Trollge discovered my relation with the Emeralds, he intends to take their power to make his Alternates unstoppable."

"Okay, fine, but what about Surge and Kitsunami? What did they do to deserve that?" asked Tails, growing more irritated.

"You know my Dark Super Form? That was basically it, except it was my Alternate side. I really had no reason behind it, except your injuries from back then."

"... So no real reason except revenge..." commented Tails. "I thought you wouldn't be as cruel as Mecha Sonic, or Lord X, or Tails Doll. I was wrong."

Tails left Sonic and returned to the Hidden Palace. Sonic stood there, a million thoughts flooding his empty mind. Finally, after a mental breakdown, Sonic slowly returned to Labyrinth Zone, where he buried himself back in the deep lake he came from...

Back at the Shrine, Blaze asked Tails what happened.

"Nothing. We just had a small talk." he said coldly.

"It doesn't seem like that to me. What did you two talk about?" continued Blaze.

"I don't want to talk about it, so if you will leave me alone, I'll be at Sky Sanctuary. Thank you." responded Tails and left.

"What happened between those two?" asked Vanilla.

"I don't know, but it doesn't seem good." remarked Knuckles.

In Sky Sanctuary, Tails flew to a high place, above the clouds. The whole ocean was visible from that spot, and Tails sat down and closed his eyes.

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