IV. One Last Death.

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Trollge, who escaped from Amy and Blaze, learned of Sonic's resign. Chuckling, he floated over to the Angel Island. There, a thunderstorm struck the Hidden Palace, shaking the Island as a whole.

Inside, the Master Emerald released a beam of light, and a golden colored hedgehog stepped out. It was Fleetway, Sonic's rogue Super Form.

"Hello, Knuckles." he said calmly.

"Fleetway? What are you doing here?" he asked.

"Well, since Sonic's obviously won't be around to help you this time, figured I'd step in, have some fun, just like the old times. And I brought some friends." responded Fleetway.

A few more hedgehogs stepped out of the light. Nazo, the silver colored hedgehog, Xeno, a demon obsessed with Sonic, Ashura, the green colored hedgehog, and Chaos, stood on the Master Emerald.

Everyone was shocked/confused to see the group of very strong hedgehog.

"Let me cut to the chase. That smiling creep is going to destroy this world if we don't act now. And for that we'll need the Super Emeralds and Super Sol Emeralds." said Fleetway.

Knuckles hesitated for a second, then allowed them to transform.

Back outside, Trollge was waiting.

"Come on. Where is the fighting spirit from back then?" he thought to himself, when a series of earthquakes shook the planet. "Hmm? What is going on in there?"

The small army of Ultra Mobians, led by Nazo, flew outside the Shrine and faced Trollge, who chuckled again.

"Heh. Didn't think I'd witness such incredible power today. Well then, seeing as you're just waiting to strike me down, let's begin." he said.

A large fight ensued, unwatchable with the human eye. What could be seen was only the cutting gusts of air from the thousands of blows per second. Tails was spectating the fight, apathetic. A figure appeared behind him.

"Hello, Tails." it whispered.

With a deep and irritated sigh, Tails turned around to see a deranged-looking, purple hedgehog similar to Sonic.

"Who the hell are you, even?!" he asked.

"Needlemouse, or Sarah. Whichever you prefer." answered the figure.

"Are you one of those killer Alternates?" continued Tails.

"That 'Sonic' told you about us, huh? Well, not like that's gonna help you." said Sarah, turning into her human form.

Tails felt the whole island shaking, as several energy spheres were floating around the battlefield.

"So, why are you here?" he asked.

"To watch who wins this fight. Trollge is extremely powerful, I'd say about 50 times more powerful than the Hyper Form, at his best." said Sarah, chuckling.

"What?" asked Tails.

"Yep. If your friends fail, he will destroy this world and move on to the next." added Sarah.

As they watched the fight, a shiny hand impaled Trollge's chest. His Soul floated in the hand, which was crushed, and Trollge fell to the ground, defeated.

"No, he did not..." whispered Sarah, distraught.

Everyone floated to ground, and Fleetway kicked his corpse. Nothing. Trollge was finally dead, at the hands of Alternate Sonic. All the energy in the Ultra Forms was transfered back to the Master Emerald, who restored the world to its greeny sights and clean areas.

Tails was surprised to see Trollge dead. He didn't expect him to die that way. Sarah, however, was relieved.

"Finally, I won't have to live under his foot. Thank God for that guy, or else we would all be dead." said Sarah, and walked away.

Later, Tails found a letter on his desk. It told him about what happened back at the fight above Angel Island, and that he should forget about Sonic the Hedeghog, as he wouldn't come back ever again. "Everyone else forgot already, and you're the last one who remembers me. Farewell, Miles 'Tails' Prower."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2022 ⏰

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