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Warning - The scenes described here might not be apt for some readers. Please read at your own discretion.

His manus restrained, his mouth parched from all the protests he'd been hurling, Gael ceased his motions

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His manus restrained, his mouth parched from all the protests he'd been hurling, Gael ceased his motions. His bare torso stung, every time he attempted to let spine stretch straight; but the hiemal metal underneath him didn't succor. The shirt, and the gown that had sheathed his silken skin had been torn off, and the next thing he could recall had been squirming against the metal.

"Iseul, please," he pleaded, his voice hoarse and gravelly. "How many times do I have to apologise?"

"She isn't here, Gael." His ears perked up at the source of the sound; the same voice that he'd heard just before his eyelids shut on their own accord drifting him into a dreamless, Stygian slumber.

Gael cocked his head. "Saem?" His eyes must have been deceiving him. Saem didn't know who Iseul had been... Neither did he have any relation to her. Yet, he'd been standing where she had been, looking at him with the meticulously same disdain that Iseul possessed.

"You surprised, Gael?" he asked, a chortle leaving his mouth.

He made his way towards Gael, the platforms on his boots clacking against the immaculate tiles. He squirmed again. try to pry his hands off the restraints. "Let me out, Saem. I might die."

"That's the point, Mr. Oblivious Boyfriend," Saem derided, running his fingers through his locks that had been set askew. "Iseul is my sister. You'd have known had you not jumped in to date her, the first chance you got. Besides... Why the f*ck did you even fall for her?"

His crude satire did seem to unlock some realisation in Gael, but it had been far too late to rectify what he'd done wrong. "Look, I love your sister... Okay? Just-Just let me free. Please. It's... It's-"

"We'll see about how much she loves you, now?" Saem's once innocent eyes now held nothing but all the dissentious emotions - animus, vexation and anything that gritted teeth and loathsome eyes could pass for.

"Done with your chit-chat, Saem?"

Iseul's voice that had once been simpatico, a sense of security for Gael had now turned into something he should've had forebodings about, should've felt consternation about. Despite there being no silver lining of hope for him, he tried. "Iseul..."

"It's not going to be as painful as that dead boy's," Iseul teetered, her lips forming a pout as her fingernails scraped across his bare chest. "You see, our treasured cousin there felt being a Sequi was equivalent to being a criminal... So we relieved him of his post as a Sequi. We burned him on a whim, but I promise, I won't do it to you." There had been an unprecedented spark of exuberance in her brown orbs.

"What the hell do you mean?" Saem rushed to her side, his hands on his hips as he looked down at Gael.

"He's given me a lot of good moments, you know," she shrugged. "So, I won't burn you, love."

Gael couldn't say anything to cease what had happened next. The piercing pain as a scalpel carved into him would be the last thing he would probably remember... And of course, the light in their shining eyes, as he finally saw darkness.


Know who you befriend.

- Katopark

- Katopark

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