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It has been yet another short journey with all you readers, and I hope this story didn't disappoint. Thank you to all my regular readers for helping me complete this book so fast, unlike one of my previous books.

Well this book sure was one of a kind. I do get that it's received more criticism than needed from judges and reviewers alike - comments ranging from how the body was disproportionate to how vintage-y the style was... Which have done nothing much than to have me frowning.
If the comments are as weird as that, or you wanting to know more about the 9 year old girl who had no relation with the plot whatsoever (apparently), do not start an argument with me.
I'm done with this sickness.

But it has also received stuff in the good light. I consider it the second of my best books. And I can say the same for the amazing characters that rose within me.

I had the inspiration from the recent journal I had read about the different types of 'Mortis', which definitely made its way in here.

Special thanks to
A. inky_jin
For helping me with writer's block most of the time and commenting on my chapters. Also, for all the medical aspects included in the book. Thanks, doc!

B. iMeGiNeSoN
For voting on most my chapters, so I know, there are other readers supporting me too.

C. Bluemisra
For being silent, yet voting so well. Thank you so much!

0.2 || Algor Mortis Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ