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Y/n's pov ~~

We were in the kitchen eating breakfast when luther walked in with a

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We were in the kitchen eating breakfast when luther walked in with a....mop?

"Ah, there he is." Alphonso said as we all looked at him "please, join us."
Alphonso pull out a chair for him.

" its okay. Nobody's gonna hurt you." Sloane offered him a drink. " you must be starving."

"Oh, uh... no, I...I probably shouldn't. Is that ashew butter?" He asked as he walked over to the table
"Cashew butter, almond butter, sunflower butter Tahiti, Brazil nut." Sloane responded.

" wow. You know what? Now that you mention it, I am feeling a little bit, u,peckish, actually."
" help yourself" Alphonso said with his mouth stuffed

Luther sat down in front of me and Ben, he started eating the cashew butter. We all get looked at him.

"So, we know you're number one,but we haven't been formally introduced yet. I'm Ben, number two." He introduced himself.
" it is so good to see you again, buddy." why does everyone keep say that to him?

" why does everyone keep looking at me like that me like that? "He grind his teeth
" because you've been dead for 15 years"

"Dead? What do you mean, dead?" Everyone went silent...

" anyway, I'm FEI, number, three." " Alphonso, cuatro." "Sloane. Five. Hey" " I'm Jayme, six" " that's Christopher, of course number seven. Oh, don't mind him. He's In a bit of a sacuy od today." Ben joked. We all laughed

" and I'm y/n, number eight." I introduced myself " wait, uh, what about, um number one?" He asked. Oh he knew exactly where he is

" what about him?" I said in a sassy way.
" where is he?" He is acting so stupid.

Ben jabbed his knive in the table, making us look at him. " that's what we'd like to know."

"Are we playing a game?" OK! Is he dumb or just plain stupid?

"Whatever game the umbrellas are playing, you're gonna lose! You took our number one, so we took you." He told luther in a threatening way.

"Yeah, like eye for an eye." I Pointing out the right name for this situation.

"Wait, we took Marcus? Would we do that?"
" act of war? Death wish?"

" the last time we saw him, he was with your sister" "which one?" He asked " the little one with the big powers." FEI replied for Sloane.

"Vanya? Huh. Well, I gotta say, it does not sound like vanya to go and kidnap anybody." He laughed and keep eating.

" you know, having said that, I am usually the last to know about these kinda things." He continued to say.

" you their number one. Shouldn't you know everything?" I asked him.
"I know. You'd think so, y/n is it? Discipline has never really been our strong suit. It's pretty much a free-for-all over there." He chuckled.

" so listen, thus sounds like an easy fix. I'll head back. I mean, my family's probably worried sick about me, to be honest." He started to make a peanut butter sandwich

"And if they have your guys, I'll send him back without a scratch. All right? No harm, no foul. How's that sound? Good? Great."

When he started to get up, Ben used he's powers to sit him back down.

" what's the rush? Stick around till Marcus is back." Christopher started to speak to luther.

"My family will come for me." He said "Wonderful" " can't wait" me and Ben said.

" 8n the meantime, make yourself at home. Oh , and Uh... before I forget, if you tryvto escape, Fei's birds will peck you eyes out and make a nest inside you skull. Or we'll have y/n blow your brain." He threatened.

Me and FEI just smiled at him before getting up and leaving the room.


Were all in the living room talking about how Alphonso and jayme got there asses handed to them in the store.

" you were basically screaming for help."She teased Alphonso.

"I wasn't screaming. I was kicking his ass." He defended himself. "You couldn't breath,but.."

Jayme got cut off when luther walked in to the room. " doesn't look like the
Your family is coming anytime soon." FEI pointed out the obvious.

"Oh,no, I'm sure they're just, you know, working out the final details and... such." That's sad his family didn't even come look for him.

"Relax. You're free to go." " why" I can tell he is skeptical. "Gesture of goodwill. But I want to pass along a very important massage to your family."

" yeah, of course." Ben stepped closer to him. " let Marcus go. And if any of you hurt one hair on him, we'll come for you. All of you. And I promise we won't be so hospitable nest time."

"Super don't like being threatened, ben."
"You'll do as we say, or else..." FEI said as we both stood up and activated our powers.


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"Brids. In my brain or blow it up. Got it" "don't forget your tote bag". Ben sniped his fingers and Alphonso gave him the bag.

"Hope you enjoyed your stay" Ben said sarcastically. Then luther left...or so I thought.

I can definitely heard luther and Sloane having sex and my room is on the third floor.


This is a little short sorry, but the sparrows were not really in this episode too much, so I didn't have to write that much.

I hope you all like this :).

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