Chapter 2 || Boss

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Y/n pov

"Hey, Mom. Is everything all right?" I asked when I got back home from a long day of job hunting and found my mother seated in the living area with an anxious look on her face. Though I just wanted to turn and leave for my room, not in the mood to listen to my mother's taunts, but something stopped me. I had never seen my always-so-confident mother looking so anxious.

"Minji has invited her boss over for dinner," she replied, and everything fell in place.

I rolled my eyes. "He declined?"

"No. He's coming." Mom glared at me.

"Then what's the problem? Prepare a delicious meal for him and do what you and Minji have been doing for over a year now... show him how perfect your darling daughter is for him." I shrugged my shoulders in a nonchalant response. I seriously couldn't understand my family's obsession with the MD of the Kim empire. Minji had invited him over quite a few times in the last year, but he declined every time, which didn't come as a surprise. He was a busy man, and surely had far more important things to do than dining at his assistant legal advisor's home.

"Shut up and go to your room," she dismissed me.

"Whatever," I mumbled and turned to leave when Mom called me from behind. I turned and raised an eyebrow, mentally preparing myself for some comment.

She didn't disappoint me.

"Wear some decent clothes for dinner, not your usual cheap ones, and be on your best behavior." The warning in her voice wasn't lost on me. "Don't embarrass your sister and me for once, Y/n. I beg you."

"Aye, aye, captain." I mocked salute and sprinted off upstairs to my room. Mother-dearest was in for a rude surprise if she thought I'd abide by her rules.


A short, tight black dress, fiery red lipstick, and loose curls. I curled my waist-length straight hair-the added volume and wavy curls gave it a wild feel. I gave one last look at myself in the mirror, and I was ready to go downstairs. I looked sexy, a little on the sultry side, but sexy. This would do. Mom hated when I dressed like this-like a slut as she put it into simple words.

The whole reason behind wearing this outfit was just to piss her off. I had no idea when I developed this rebellious streak. Maybe it was around the time Dad passed away, and I fell into the darkness of depression, but I loved this. The new me, the one who wouldn't bow down to anyone's wishes. It made me feel powerful as if I had control over my life. I thrived on that feeling.

I raised my hand to tuck a few strands of hair behind my ear, drew in a sharp breath, and turned on my heels as I made my way downstairs.

Minji's boss was yet to arrive when I joined Mom and Minji in the living area. But the preparations were done on a grand scale, I might add. They had done everything in their power to impress him from delicious food to the expensive vintage wine. Everything was on point. I walked over and took a seat across from my mother and sister, catching their attention to my attire.

"What the hell are you wearing?" Mom's angry voice echoed in the living area.

I bit the inside of my cheek, stopping a smile that was making its way to my lips.

"A dress, Mom. Isn't it pretty?" I asked, feigning innocence.

"Pretty? You're looking like a slut, Y/n. Go, change into something decent," she ordered.

"Ouch! That's harsh, Mom." I mocked hurt, placing a palm over my heart.

"You dressed up like this on purpose. You wanna trap him. Is that your plan?" This time, it was Minji. She was throwing accusations my way, but for once, I could care less. "Let me tell you one thing, Y/n. Kim Tae-hyung doesn't do sluts. Your plan won't succeed."

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