Chapter 12 || Mom

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Y/n pov

"Mom, what are you doing here?" I asked as I walked through the college gate and found my mother waiting outside. What was she doing there? The last time we met was on the day I gained access to my trust fund last month
-much to my mother and sister's displeasure. Both of them tried their hardest to make sure I wouldn't get a penny. But Tae-hyung's experienced lawyer was a great help. He made the procedure smooth, and that wasn't a surprise given the man was the best in his field.

"I wanted to meet my daughter. It's been a long time since we met last," she replied with a shrug.

"Really?" I didn't believe her. Mom wouldn't meet me for years and still wouldn't give a fuck about my existence unless she had some hidden motive. "What it is, Mom? I know you didn't drive all the way just to meet me, so tell me. What it is that brought you to your estranged daughter?"

Mom looked at me with a sternness before her features softened. She inhaled deeply and closed her eyes for a brief moment as if to gain control over herself.

"It's Minji."

Of course! It was her darling daughter. As always.

I gestured Mom to follow me to a little secluded area for some privacy. Something told me of the graveness of the situation. Mom wouldn't have come to me if it weren't serious.

"What happened?" I asked, unable to help myself. A part of me wanted to walk away, but the other part that somehow still considered them family, forced me to stay. Dad. He might not be around, but he was the reason I still felt connected to them. Though the connection wasn't strong, it was not weak enough to completely shut them out of my life.

"She's slipped into a depression," Mom revealed with slight moisture in her eyes. "She made some bad investment decisions that cost her a lot. While trying to regain the money she lost, she mortgaged our home and took a huge loan from the bank and the local financer as well. But in the end, she ended up losing more. The debts are piling up, and we don't know what to do. Minji is barely able to hold herself together."

She looked defeated, breaking my heart a little. I had never seen her so broken before, not even when Dad passed away.

"What do you want me to do? How can I help in any of this?" My fists were clenched tightly at my sides as I stopped myself from reaching out and comforting her, telling her everything would be fine. But that would be a lie. The problem Minji had landed herself in was serious, and I wouldn't be able to help.

"I was wondering if you could talk to Kim Tae-hyung," Mom hesitantly trailed off, but made sure I got what she was trying to implicate-get Kim Tae-hyung to help Minji financially.

An exasperated sigh left my lips as I understood the purpose behind the visit and what was expected from me. I should have known, knowing how my mother was. "No, Mom. I'm not going to talk to him about this."

"Why can't you? I saw how that man moved heaven and earth to make sure you got the land your father left for you along with access to your trust fund. He's smitten with you, Y/n. He'll do anything to make you happy. All you have to do is ask him," she said, reaching out to hold my hand, but I stepped away from her.

Is she for real? I knew she was greedy, but to that extent, I didn't know.

"I'll do no such thing. I'm not going to take advantage of his kindness, Mom." The words fell off my lips more harshly than intended. But I didn't care. She had crossed the limit that time with her absurd demand.

"Y/n! Please, my child. Listen to your mother and do this one thing for me," she said, desperately holding onto my hands. Never had my mother talked to me so affectionately before, and now that she did, I couldn't help but laugh bitterly. She was affectionate for the first time, and that too for her selfish motives. Didn't she ever feel anything for me?

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