【Day one】

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"Ugh" ??? said as he turned off his phone. It was late at night and ??? has something on his mind but can't quite figure out what it is, he puts his phone aside and goes to sleep for he has his first day of school the next day.

??? wakes up and is feeling very anxious about his first day. He gets ready and heads off to school. ??? Find some of his friends. The bell rings, everyone goes off to their first class. ??? Find his class as the teacher is assigning seats to everyone. "Henry?" The teacher says. Henry gets anxious for a second but snaps out of it as he goes to the desk where the teacher pointed to. Henry looks over to his partner to try to start conversation with  them. "H-hey" he said in a low voice that was not heard by the other person. He gives up on trying to talk to them. The day goes by and Henry comes home and falls on his bed and falls asleep.

☁︎︎ 【Forbidden love】 ☁︎Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz