chapter 2 brother's for life

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Ever since Jin was 18, he started working in the company to attain experience. appointed joon who was just 15, as Jin's personal bodyguard for his training. He even started sending joon on missions with other guards.

Few months later, One day Taehyung was playing games in his room, when there was a sudden hustle bustle in the house. He came downstairs only to see his Jisun eomma crying. He diverted his gaze only to see his elder brother lying unconscious all covered in blood. He eyes got fixed on him like stone. He felt a strange feeling, a feeling of losing his elder brother. He raised his eyes to see his other hyung Jin standing there crying while his shirt has blood stains. Looking at all this Tae had a major set back.

Soon joon was taken to his bedroom, while Mr. Kim came near Jin, keeping his hands on his child's shoulder he said " go take a bath and calm down, I know you are traumatized" Jin nodded and was about to walk away when Taehyung stopped him. He looked at his brother as both the pair of eyes were moist. With trembling lips he asked his brother "what happened to joon? Wasn't he all good when he left with you this morning?" Hearing this Jin wanted to burst out crying, tears were steaming down his eyes, his words were as if struck in his throat but Mr. Kim noticed it and interrupted "Jin you to your room and change, and tae come with me."

Saying this he pulled Tae into his study. Sitting on his revolving chair he made his 12 year old son sit on his lap as he caressed his hair while he explained "Tae bear your joon hyung will be all fine, hmm. don't worry, he just got into a little fight, but he'll be fine. Okay?"

Thad kid nodded with half heart as he was very well aware of his brother's patience and temper. He knew that his elder brother was one of those for whom fight was the last option. He wasn't of those who got into fights easily. He knew his brother's noble and calm personality but he preferred to stay quite.

Tae was still pondering over the incidents when someone knocked on the door, hearing a come in , the doctor who was treating Namjoon entered . he looked at Mr.. kim and said "I have done the dressing of his wounds but...." He was stopped by mr. kim showing his hand. He softly looked at his son and asked him to leave the room.

The boy walked out of the study closing the door. He walked a few steps and was standing in front of his elder brother namjoon's room. Taehyung had always been low key scared of Namjoon. Staring at the door for a few moments he opened the dokr and slowly walked inside.

Joon was lying there shirtless on the bed with bandages wrapped around his torso and one on his right arm. Tae carefully sat beside his brother and looked at his brother's face. That face with a cut on the cheek bone eas radiating peace, a sense of contentment. It was the first time Tae was seeing his brother's face without a grin.

He trailed his fingers over his wounds as two thick drops of tears trailed down his eyes. He caressed joon's hands and finally spoje with trembleing lips "hyung please wake up naa. You said you'll have a duel with me. A-and you never break your promises right. So please wake up na... "

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