meet me at our spot?

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the cold shower water shocks the skin on my back, paralysing me for a second. i try to keep my breathing slow and controlled as i let my body adjust to the sudden temperature change.

this is how every morning starts for me. i wake up, brush my teeth, take a cold shower, and get dressed. after that, its whatever the world throws at me.

this morning feels like any other. i squirt some body wash into my hand and rub it into my skin. then i shave. wash my hair next. finishing off by scrubbing my face with face wash.

as i step out of the shower drying myself, my phone dings.

i decide to fully dry off and get dressed before seeing who it is. mornings are always better without the burden of your phone.

i open my messages app and see that it was billie. butterflies fill my stomach as i read it.

can i see you soon?

a smile tugs at the corners of my lips, i can hear her voice in my head saying those exact words. i met billie through a mutual friend who tried to set us up... some would say it worked. we aren't exactly together, and we keep our "relationship" very low key. billie likes it that way.

before our friend tried to set us up, billie had never been with a girl before. or anyone for that matter. i took her virginity. i don't know much about her personally because when we hook up there's never much time to talk, but we've been hooking up for so long now that i've learned a few things. she mostly likes our hookups low key for the thrill, but the other side of that equation is her management. they wont let her come out to the public yet. and it seems like they never will.

we have a 'no strings attached' rule. i have that rule with every girl ive seen solely for sex. but sex with billie is so different. its so intimate and sweet. every time feels like the first time.

i sit down as i text back.

our spot?

after slipping my shoes on and walking to the kitchen, she texts back.

when are you free?

i shake my head, smiling to myself.

i'm free all day for you baby <3

our sense of humour was texting like a couple randomly. irony...

i want to see you now.

oh... end punctuation usually means shes serious.

okay, okay, im leaving now

sweet talk is usually saved for when we were actually in person so i keep it pretty dry over text. i grab my keys off of the hook by my door and leave.

the drive to our usual spot isnt too long, but it was a safe distance from both of our houses. billie bought a house that she was going to use for emergencies... that clearly isn't the case.

i get out of my car, smiling as i see that her matte black challenger is already in the driveway. when i walk in, i kick my shoes off, leaving them next to hers. all of the lights are off, which is normal for us. all the curtains are drawn so its dark. i can smell her favourite vanilla candle and see its yellow flickering light scattered through out the house so that there's not too much light in one spot.

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