Here we go

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The next morning Tang Yao aka smiling, headed downstairs for her first ever professional-ish game.It was a skirmish with YQCB, Ai Jiya's team .  She yawned as she headed into the kitchen to find Lao K already up with a steaming up of coffee in one hand and book in the other. She had put on a clean top and had brushed her hair today. K noticed that she hadn't applied any makeup though. She helped herself to a coffee and asked " You're up early"

K-" I woke up to watch CK's mid-season competition. "

Smiling- " Did they win?"

K- " Against the two Chinese teams but lost to the Koreans as always"

Smiling - " Oh"

She fed Da Bing , her cat and walked towards her seat and sat down.  The skirmish was beginning and she sat down nervously. YQCB banned Leblanc as the first champion.

Old Cat- " Not a bad use for a ban"

Her lips twitched, it was like they were respecting her prowess with the champion. Their coach, her cousin, Ming God stood behind her but didn't give her any instructions. The other team's mid picked Kasadin and she pondered what to pick when Lao K called out " What? You can't play anything other than Leblanc? We're doomed. One ban has killed our mid"

She whacked him on his arm and then locked down the Card master.

Chessman- " You can play this champion?"

Little Fatty - " Gee, you can play the card master! Wow!"

Old Cat- " Not bad little sister" The card master was a notoriously hard champion to play. With a single card, he could deliver a deathly blow to opponents, but the catch was that the cards appeared at random. Fewer and fewer people knew how to play the card master well anymore.

Lao K remarked - " Do you even know how to play this champion? Don't force yourself!"

She retorted - " Then what? Bring Yasuo so I can win this for you" That rhetorical question shut him up. At first, the opponents champions were quite strong, they were forcing ZGDX to be on  the defense. When Smiling reached level 6 with the card master, she turned the tide. She turned around and attacked aggressively just as her captain's champion was about to be ganked. She drew first blood, followed by a double kill effectively neutralizing the other team's jungler and mid. Her attack strengthened their position and in no time, Pope was the only real player left standing. Her teammates were impressed with her speed and skill. When they won, the team next door came over congratulated her and ask for a rematch the same thing happened again but when they were about to win their screen flashed the message " connecting to server..."

They all yelled in unison " Shit". Little Fatty ran over to the window and yelled " Brothers next door our internet got disconnected."

He heard a response " Same here. Guess it couldn't handle all of us being on it at the same time"

The captain was annoyed the most. When smiling turned towards him , he said, " I'm annoyed because the welcome I had prepared for the Pope went well but the rematch was ruined by the internet"

She patted his arm sympathetically, " I'm happy though. I was able to go up against them easily" Her euphoria didn't last long as she discovered that the VPN outage earlier had put the captain in a sour mood. Everyone was quiet a few hours later. Little Fatty was curled up with a snack, Old Cat and chessman were playing pacman and the captain himself was petting Da Bing, the very creature he thought would kill his goldfish. " Are you seriously petting my cat now? You need to find a better way to amuse yourself" When she received no response, she just got up and decided to go back to her desk. If they weren't going to play a game, she could at least start streaming.

Nervously, she logged into Panda, her AO account and started a stream. She had posted on Weibo that she was gonna stream today. As a result, when she went live, there were about 50K people already.

She started shakily, " Hello everyone. I'm Tang Yao aka smiling from ZGDX. Welcome to my first stream. I will be streaming frequently. So if you'd like to support me please hit subscribe"

As the words left her mouth, she saw her subscribers grow by the hundreds. By then the numbers of watchers had jumped to 300K and she had reached the top of the list on Panda.

She saw comments pouring in [ My wife! you are so beautiful]

[Smiling is actually a girl! Go figure!]

[ This is not your first stream. Weren't you on my hubby's stream yesterday?]

[Nice voice]

The plethora of curses, love, hate and everything in between made her anxious. Swallowing nervously she said, " Thanks for joining , let me play a solo" As she saw the game screen she relaxed a little. She had minimized the comment window. ' Ha! She thought, if I can't see them, they don't exist' and she started choosing a champion. Just then she heard a voice to her right

[" My god, they have chosen a child to compete..."]

[" ZGDX is hiring child labor"]

[" Choose Leblanc...I want to see you play Leblanc"]

[" Smiling , is your smile as pretty as your name?"]

" What are you doing?", she hissed at Lao K, the captain who now seemed to be reading the comments out loud next to her.

Ignoring her he responded , " The only expression she has is a frown."

[" This camera angle makes you look short"]

" It's not the camera angle, she is a shortie"

[" You look beautiful .You should be in a K-drama"]

" This guy needs to get his eyes looked at and then maybe his brain"

By now, her anger had doubled. She spoke with gritted teeth, " Lao K. What the fuck are you doing?" in English

"Tut Tut , such profanity from a kindergardener! Amusing myself. Didn't you say I need to do something other than petting that beast Da Bing?"

"I didn't mean use my stream as a source of your amusement. Please do me a favor -get lost and let me do this stream in peace. "

He refused to budge. She had no choice but to continue the stream with him reading out random comments and responding to them . In the end her stats were 6 kills/ 2 deaths / 0 assists. Not terrible but not great either. She signed off and then promptly hit him hard on the shoulder and left. " Such a kindergarderner, doesn't even hurt"

Weibo exploded after her first stream . Some people raved about her skill, others about her looks. Some cast doubts at her ability as a player. Fans of K chastised her for speaking rudely to their hubby and also warned her not to steal him from  them. A few said things like [ Are they always going to appear in each others streams now? So cute] . Disgusted, she flopped on the bed only to receive a text from her bestie Jinyang [ Your man is like a little boy with a crush in school . He is pulling your braid to show his affection for you]

Smiling responded [ My friend, you have officially gone off the rails. You need to drink medicine by the vat to cure yourself of this insanity]  Later that night they had all gone out for hot pot. Tang Yao unaccustomed to such a luxurious place, ate little. The captain put some meat on her plate with his chopsticks and said, " Shortie, eat some meat"

They all stared at him. He had spent a good 3 hours annoying the crap out of her. Xiao Yui " K-ge what are you doing? Do you feel bad? Why are you treating her so nicely all of a sudden?"

K- " Well, she managed to cheer me up by providing entertainment. What's wrong with feeding her well?" Everyone was too shocked to say anything else.

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