Chapter One: The Park and a Cup of Coffee

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**This story contains male pregnancy and is a sequel to Best Friends No Matter What.Sorry in advance for any errors.**

Chapter One: The Park and a Cup of Coffee

"Jason, we've known each other for a couple years and have become good friends in that time. But I was wondering though if maybe, maybe you wanted to go out with me. I mean it doesn't have to be a date. We can just be two friends hanging out and I'll totally understand. We can...I can't do this." I say humiliated, plopping down on the other side of the couch next to Todd.

"What are you talking about? That was better compared to last time." he replies but I don't believe him.

An hour rehearsing my pathetic confession and we've gotten no where. The look on his face confirms it while he's trying to prevent himself from laughing. I knew this was a dumb idea to begin with I don't even know why I agreed to it. Confessing my feelings for someone I like on the person I used to have a major crush on years ago. Yeah that doesn't make it a hundred times worse or help my self esteem in any way. Quite the opposite.

"Ha ha very funny Todd." I mumble sitting back and looking up at the white ceiling above me. Bad idea, never again. I better make a mental note never to let him know the next person I like or agree to this torture.

"I was being serious. Okay it was horrible but that's why you're practicing on me." he replies, not helping in any way.

"Practicing what? Coming across as an idiot while I make a fool out of myself?" I respond turning my head to face him. He has the nerve to talk he has nothing to worry about. He never has when he had no problems getting girls in high school. I roll my eyes remembering how much of a player he was. I guess people can change.

"Oh come on you're over over exaggerating this more than it should be." he reasons.

"I'm only confirming what I already fear." I look away back at the ceiling, my worse fear I'm coming to terms with.

"And what's that?" he asks and I feel him looking at me.

"I'm doomed to stay single and lonely for the rest of my life." I complain, alone for the rest of my life. Maybe I should have took my chances and attempted a relationship with him when he offered it.

"No, you're not." he replies.

"Easy for you to say when you've been in a relationship since we graduated high school."

"I did say we could be together if you wanted." he reminds me as if I could forget.

"You didn't want to and forcing you into a relationship because of Samantha wasn't going to change how you felt."

"True but there is someone out there for you."

"Where?" No where is more like it.

"How should I know? Probably Jason, maybe someone else. You'll never know unless you tell him how you feel Brenden." he replies as the front door opens and Samantha runs inside with a pregnant Hannah right behind.

"Daddy you're here!" she smiles stopping at the couch.

"I told you I would be." I reply giving her a hug

"Always is." Todd mumbles, referring to how much I'm here instead of the my apartment downtown. Every day I get off work hurry over here and hang out with Todd until Samantha gets off school. She's what I have to look forward to and I wouldn't have it any other way.

"What did you learn at school today?" I ask.

"Um..I don't know." she shrugs.

"You don't know?"

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