Chapter Three: Butterflies and Rainbows

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Three weeks filled with butterflies in my stomach every day I see him, talk to him in person or on the phone. The feelings keep building up inside me and I'm starting to like him more each day. My face is permentally left smiling from the way he makes my heart skip a beat. And I'm beginning to think this time I am falling deeper for him than I have about anyone else.

He guininely cares about me, wants to be around me, can take one glance at me and get my heart start racing without speaking a word. We can talk for hours until sunrise about something unimportant or about nothing at all. Time doesn't seem to matter and neither does sleep when he is around. He understands me like no one else and I understand him.

When we have to stop talking to get back to our lifes outside our own world where the two of us only exist my heart aches. I miss him at those times until we see each other or talk again. The way his gray eyes can look deep into my eyes makes my heart melt. Being around him since the first day we met at the park has felt like a dream and I still can't believe I found someone who can make me feel the way he makes me feel.

Cared about, important, special and have him return the feelings toward me. I never had someone I liked like me back. I never even thought it would happen when most of the guys I tended to fall for didn't see me more than a friend. A friend is what I always became but not with Skyeler. With Skyeler we're beyond just friends, we passed that point after the first date.

I'm not such if this is love but whatever it is between the both of us I don't want it to go away. I don't want to go back to the days before him. I'm falling fast and there is no escaping what my heart feels. Nothing can possibly make me want to go back to being single when Skyeler is in my life.

"What are you thinking about?" I hear him ask and I can't help but smile.

"How it's possible to be this happy." He smiles back, my hand in his as we walk down the sidewalk back to my place.

"Sometimes you shouldn't question everything and just live in the moment."

"I try too but it's hard not to. When life seems too perfect it's easy to assume something is bound to go wrong. At least it is for me."

"Haven't you ever heard you should live in the moment and not worry for the worse?"

"Yeah plently of times." I answer.

"So what makes you think this isn't one of those times?"

"Is it?"

"I think so. I really like you Brenden, I do. I never felt this way before about anyone and I don't see how anything can change that."

"I really like you too." More than like every passing day and hearing you say it reassures me this is different.

"I love when you smile."

"Because you love to embarrass me."

"No, because I love making you happy. Seeing you happy puts a smile on my face."
"Are you trying to make me blush?"

"Maybe. Or maybe I just want to tell you I love you."

"We barely know each other." I reply not wanting to say the three words I've always wanted to hear from someone.

"I doubt that Brenden by how much time we've spent talking these past several weeks. And besides how long we've known each other doesn't determine the way I feel about you."

I feel a drop of rain and glance up at the dark clouds moving in. Perfect moment to change the subject away from the four letter word. "It's going to start pouring." I say.

"Not for a while. We have plently of time before that." he states but the sound of thunder nearby doesn't make that seem likely.

It doesn't take long after the first drop as we continue walking for the light sparkling of rain to turn into a heavy downpour."Plenty of time?" I question Skyeler with his own words, the rain pouring down hard and doesn't look as if it is going to stop. My guess is it is only going to get worse and my clothes are beginning to weigh me down. While my black converse are now soaking wet and were definaitly not a good choice to wear in the rain.

"Yeah, I was wrong." he replies as we increase our pace with him in the lead still holding my hand.

"Where are we going?" I ask confused at why he is turning left and having us walk into a self service car wash place instead of continuing to the apartment ten blocks away.

"We can wait it out here. It has to stop raining eventually." he says as we take shelter in the empty stall, my body shivering from the rain.

"I hope so. My clothes are drenched."

"I'm sorry Brenden I didn't know it was going to rain this soon. The weather people said it wasn't suppose to get bad until tonight." he apologizes but I can see he still has something else on his mind. That four letter word.

"Weather people don't know what they're talking about most of the time." I respond avoiding the subject altogether.

"That's for sure." he laughs.

I say nothing not sure what to say at this point. He said he loves me a few minutes ago and I choked up lost for words. Love is the way I'm heading but I'm not sure it is something I can say now. Too soon and scary when I've never been in a relationship like this or heard someone say those words. I always assumed it would take months to get to that point. Hell I never even been in love since I fell head over heels for Todd. All the guys after were simply likes, crushes nothing else to lead anywhere.

"You don't have to say it back." he says finally breaking the silence.

"Say what?"

"You know what I'm talking about Brenden."


"I got carried away and probably shouldn't have said it but I want you to know I don't see what we have as short fling. That isn't what I want and I want to make sure you don't either."

"I do really like you Skyeler but right now I'm not to the point to say the big L word. I don't want to jinx this and ruin what we have."

"I understand and that's fine with me. I can wait for however long it takes as long as I know one day you'll be able to say it."

"One day."


"Maybe." I reply.

"Maybe is good enough for me." he says leaning into kiss me.

Once we pull away from the kiss I notice the silence, "The rain stopped."

"I told you it would." he says.

I follow behind him out of where we have been standing and see the rainbow peeking through the dark clouds. Butterflies and rainbows I can get used to this.

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