🍏 Thirty Eight

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Dawson meant to head to the bar, but found himself pulling into an empty space in front of the bakery instead. His father would be working today, and if he showed up out of the blue there would no doubt be questions as to why. Regardless, he found himself walking inside before he could talk himself out of it.

Even the bright space, the displays of comfort foods and the smiling family in one of the corner booths didn't do anything to lighten his mood. Gabriela was behind the cash register ringing someone up, but caught Dawson's eye and greeted him with a smile. He managed a weak one back, raising a hand in greeting.

Things would still be the same here, at least on the surface. He'd have his family, his friends, his work. But there'd always be the memories of Layla, scattered everywhere through town, living forever in his own house, his bed, his heart.

"Dawson!" His father came out from the kitchen, removing his apron. Something about the bakery seemed to keep him looking young for his age, as wiry and white-haired as he was. The excitement he got over baked goods was that of an eight year old kid. 

"Hey, Dad. What's good today?" He nodded to the case of cakes and cookies.

"Your mom's coming over for lunch, so I was just about to go on break—how about I grab a few things and let you decide?"

"Sounds good to me."

Part of Dawson wondered what he was doing there. To the rest of him, it was pretty damn obvious that he was looking for either a distraction or someone to talk to. Jack was clearly not an option, and he already knew what Kenzie would say: go after her, convince her to stay.

He let his father lead him outside after putting a few treats into one of the cardboard pastry boxes, and the two of them sat down at one of the iron tables in front of the bakery. Roman had a bagged lunch with him, and pulled out a sandwich and a bottled water from the crinkled paper bag. Red View was quiet today, likely a mix of the weekday and the cloudy weather.

"You guys glad Gabby's back?" Dawson asked, reaching for one of the powdered almond cookies. It was more out of politeness than anything—he really wasn't in the mood for eating.

His father nodded. "No one makes peanut butter pie like Gabby does. I think I've had a slice every day since she got back. She says her sister's real happy, and her nephew's cute as anything. I do wish she'd smarten up, though."

Dawson quirked an eyebrow,. "What'd'you mean?"

"I mean she's still pining for that kid who owns the hardware store. Mary and Burt's kid. Levi."

"Ah." Dawson nodded, remembering Kenzie complaining about the jerk a few times. He lead Gabby on and off again every chance he got. "The ex-boyfriend."

"And he should stay that way, if you ask me. Don't really know what she sees in him—I don't mean to say anything about Burt and Mary, but the kid's spoiled rotten and acts like it, too."

Dawson shrugged a shoulder, reaching for another cookie. "I guess she thinks he'll smarten up and start treating her right."

"Sometimes people just don't know what—or who—is good for them."

Dawson had to let out a laugh at that one. "Yeah. You can say that again."

"So now that small talk's out of the way, let's get into whatever's got you here, talking to your Pop in the middle of a work day."

He shrugged again, feeling embarrassingly transparent. "Jack and I got into another fight."

"That's all?" His dad leaned forward with a skeptical look over the box of pastries. "Must've been some spat, given you two fight just about every day."

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