🍏 Forty

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When she was sure Colin was gone, Layla left her room with one thing on her mind: finding Dawson. She'd head outside, scour the orchard, and come clean about everything: how she felt, why she was scared to stay, and the fact that she realized what a huge mistake she would've been making to go back with Colin. Most importantly, she'd tell him she was sorry. More sorry than she'd ever been.

Nerves spun around inside of her—this was stupid, she knew. It was asking to get hurt. But even through the fear, there was the knowledge that this was—as Dawson had encouraged her to go after time and time again—what she wanted. If she got hurt, it would be worth it. He needed to know the truth, and she wanted him to know it, even if he didn't feel the same.

And if he didn't... It was like she told Colin. Maybe she wouldn't be strong enough to stay in Red View, even with the support of her friends. But just because she might not stay there didn't mean she had to go back to New York. She would make a life for herself, no matter what. But if she had anything to say about it, she'd do it right where she was with Dawson by her side.

Layla bounded down the large staircase of the manor and hurried to the front door—which she nearly ran right into when it swing open. Dawson froze in the doorway as she steadied herself, brushing the hair from her face.

"Dawson—" his name came out on a breath, "I was looking for you."

"I was looking for you." He shut the door behind him, eyes never leaving hers. His hair was wild, breath heavy as if he'd run inside. "I know what you're going to say, Layla, but don't. Don't say it, not yet."

Her heart dropped to her stomach. He knew? How? Had Colin told him somehow?

"If you're really going to say goodbye, I want you to mean it, and to mean it you have to know everything," he rambled. So then he didn't know. She opened her mouth to correct him, but he spoke again before she could. "Just let me say it Layla, even if you already know, even if you don't want to hear it."

She'd never seen him like this, so wired, almost hyper. He was incoherent—or maybe she was too wired to understand what he was saying.

He straightened, paused, and in a voice that was much more like the one she was used to, said, "I love you."

The panic that had settled in her bones dissolved into a thousand tiny butterflies. Before the words could even really sink in, before she collected herself enough to tell him the same, he was pacing, continuing.

"I love you, Layla. I mean I'm really in love with you. And I was waiting until the wedding to tell you because I didn't want to scare you away, because I know it's fast, and I wouldn't blame you if you think I'm crazy. But I'd be crazy not to love you, is the thing. And I'm telling you this because..." He raked a hand through his hair, finally stilling and turning to look at her. Could he see the stars in her eyes, she wondered? The way his words had wrapped around her like a blanket? "I don't know, I'm hoping you're crazy enough to love me back, or think that someday you might, if you take the chance to stay and find out."

"Dawson—" the two syllables were all she managed before he cut her off.

"I know, I know it's asking a lot. And I get why you're scared of leaving New York, but everybody here is behind you. You'd be a success here all on your own, and even so I'd fight tooth and nail to make sure it happens. There's a life here for you if you want it, is what I'm saying. Here in Red View, and here at the orchard." He held up a hand, when her mouth dropped open again. "And if that's too much, if you'd rather stay in town and get an apartment, that's fine, but hell—you should know I don't want that, either. I want you here. You're a part of it now, Layla. You're a part of me."

She could only stare at him for a beat, letting the words echo inside of her. And he stared back, as vulnerable as she'd ever seen him.

"I resigned," she finally managed to get out. As her mouth formed the words, she realized she was smiling.

He tilted his head, blinking once, twice. "You..."

She nodded. "I resigned from Foster Fitness. Colin just left with the letter for my parents. And I ended the engagement—not so much because I don't love him, because I never loved him to begin with. I ended it because I love you."

She watched his shoulders relax, his face soften as the worry left his expression.

"I was so scared to tell you, and I was scared you didn't feel the same, and that you might never. That's why I thought about leaving, that's why I reconsidered. But I knew I'd never forgive myself if I didn't tell you the truth, and if I didn't tell you how sorry I am for hurting you."

He took the few steps towards her, cupping her face in those large hands and leaning down in one swift motion, meeting her mouth with his. Every cell of hers seemed to hum, and every worry she'd been carrying dissolved into comfort in his arms. 

He pulled away, resting his forehead against hers. "God. I saw Colin's car was gone and... I thought you were gone. Then I saw you still here and thought you were coming to say goodbye."

"I was coming to say that I love you," she promised, caressing his face as she looked into those warm eyes. "That I want to stay, if you'll still have me."

"Layla..." he laughed out her name, swept her up for another kiss. She swore that nothing in her life had ever felt so... right. When he pulled away, he was giving her that lopsided grin she couldn't help but love. "Does that answer your question?"

 "Does that answer your question?"

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