Chapter 14 : Advice, Worry, Date

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Hayashida's P.O.V

its been a day since i made a deal with Kotori, and tomorrow will be the day i monitor her, I'm worried about the date, but she should be fine, she seems like an alright kid.

"Hayashida, here's the next order"

"Yes yes~"

Right now I'm put in the kitchen, I'm the chef for the day so i cook the food and make the coffee, while Mr. Hiiro was the server and Ushi, for once actually came down to help.

He said he wanted to see me work, and Mr. Hiiro gave him the opportunity, if he worked then he can see me work, and begrudgingly, he accepted.

Mr. Hiiro was surprised when he accepted it, he was half expecting him to not do it, but..... the way he worked was as expected though.

He didn't say anything to the customers and just took their orders, at first the customers were weirded out, but they came around and loved it, the silent waiter that takes your order is apparently appealing, especially to the girls...... I wish i can be popular too.

But i digress, Mr. Hiiro wanted him to talk to the customers but since its Ushi, its impossible, so he let it slide because he's technically working, even if it is like...... That.

As i was making the order, something popped up in my mind, why does Shido have to date the spirits to seal them? If you think about it.... It sounds ridiculous if you think about it, does that mean Shido will try to date me before sealing me?

"Pfft, i don't think he will"

I laugh to myself at the thought, Shido going on a date with me? That's dumb, I've never dated a girl before so going on a date with a man is a no go, plus, i just want to have a nice life and work to get money.

I still miss my family and friends.... But if i dwell on it too much then I'll get depressed and that's not good! Having a positive outlook is essential in life!

And now i have friends here too, i don't want them to worry about me.

"Here's the sandwich"

"Thanks, here's the next order"


I grab the ticket, read it, and got to work, well continuing on, Ambriel also told me to not get sealed by Shido, i don't know what's up with that, but i trust Ambriel more than Shido, so I'll trust her.

Speaking of Ambriel, she hasn't spoken a word to me, i can summon her no problem, but she's not talking.... I wonder why? I thought she was recovering at first, but there doesn't seem to be any damages to her mirror body, and my spirit power is already replenished, so energy isn't a problem... Maybe she's doing something right now.

I sigh at the thought and continued cooking, thinking about it isn't going to solve it, but i don't know what to do.... Well whatever!

"Here's the order"

"Got it, here, another order"


I should probably think about what's gonna happen later tomorrow.... Kotori Itsuka, Efreet, the spirit who controls fire, what a troublesome opponent, she might not turn berserk, but that's just naive of me if i thought that, i should go in with the thought that she will go berserk.

Her attacks are fine, in close combat she's fast but not soo much when it comes to ranged attacks, i can dodge them and plus, i can just attack her from far away, but her attack before... Meggido was it? That's annoying.

It had the power to punch a hole through Zayin, Kurumi's angel, and almost shattered Ambriel, it has a slow charge up, but the power behind it is, scary to say the least, even if i dodged it then I'm just putting people in danger if that happens.

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