chapter 4

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Silas Enrico Gracias pov:

"GET OUT!!!" I said yelling at her making her jump and ra n out the door I walked towards the locking it and sat down as I stressfully sigh into my hand I only told her to get out because  I felt triggered she removed my ring from my ring

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"GET OUT!!!" I said yelling at her making her jump and ra n out the door I walked towards the locking it and sat down as I stressfully sigh into my hand I only told her to get out because  I felt triggered she removed my ring from my ring .

I know it sounds bad but I'm not quite over my ex wife,would I take her back hell no but it's hard losing someone who was there for since you were 8 you know she was my first everything.

But I'm just going to apologize in the morning it's late and I'm sure she is asleep peacefully.

A knock on my door broke my out of my thought trance.

"It's open" I said to the person behind the door.

"Hey dad  what are you doing."Sammy my beautiful princess said to me.

"I was just thinking of your mother sad to say but I miss her so much"I said with sad and dark making her mug the hell out of me.

"You realize she tired to kill and cheated on several times time to pick up the pieces like you told me there  plenty fishes in the sea just pick one carefully and cherish it"she said making me smile and nod my head.

She hugged me and left the room closing the door sliently and thats when I broke down into tears.

Its hard being single parent and mafia king but we made it work plus all I wanted was big family to come home for my wife to cuddle with me and my children to just attack my hugs when I come through the door.

I stopped crying walked into the bathroom taking off my clothes putting on my robe and putting the bathtub to full with some bath salt.

I stopped crying walked into the bathroom taking off my clothes putting on my robe and putting the bathtub to full with some bath salt

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( just imagine him in the bathroom with the cup)

I went into the bathtub turning off the tap sinking my body into the water more,sighing closing my eyes and taking a deep breath.

I've never felt so lonely when I have people around me that cares maybe its just the betrayal I felt when I saw her kiss and make love to another man in the bed we shared.

"Por favor, Dios, tráeme a mi alma gemela rápido. No me estoy volviendo más joven."I said quietly to myself.

Translation: Please god bring my soulmate to me fast I'm not getting any younger.

I got up from the bathtub and headed into the shower turning the tap on putting soap on the loafa and rubbing my skin making to get every single spot.

Then I started washing my hair.


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