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tw!! Mentions of murder and su!c!de

The next day was spent with Aphrodite wandering around central London on her own. She had woken up at the crack of dawn to ensure she was out for as long as possible, leaving Tony to wake up alone, in the hotel room.

By the time she got back it was 7pm and she still hadn't eaten.

"How bout we go somewhere for dinner? you know, London's gotta have some fancy restaurants."

"I would love to, really,"


"But.. I've been walking around in heels all day and my feet hurt like a bitch."

"Ah, well. We'll be here for another week and a half, so.." he trailed off and Aphrodite noticed the slightly disappointed expression on his face.

"But," She said, and his head perked up. "I know the absolute best takeout place, and they do deliveries?"

"Sounds great, got the website? Should probably have a look at the menu first." He chuckled and grabbed his phone, searching up the name she gave him and within half an hour, the food was there.

"Are you sure this is okay to eat?"

"Stark, just because the price doesn't have 3 zeros on the end, doesn't mean it isn't good. Believe me, I had this every other week at my mums house."

"She let you get takeout every other week?"

"No, but my brother ordered almost everyday it without her knowing and payed with his own money, so once every two weeks he'd get it for me too."

"Sounds like a great guy."

"He was."


"Yeah, when I was 14, he got into a really big fight with my dad when we went to his house."

Tony stopped eating and looked up at her while she spoke. He had a feeling he knew where this story was going.

"I asleep in my room when it happened. They started out just shouting but then it got violent. They said it was an accident but I don't think so. He stabbed him in the side of the skull with a kitchen knife. Then he killed himself a week later."

They were both quiet for a few minutes after that.

"I don't know if you know this already but.. my parents were murdered. They said it was a car crash. An accident.. but.. I found out that it wasn't. A couple years ago this sicko tried to break the avengers apart. It worked. Obviously. And he showed me a video of the winter soldier killing my parents. ... I tried to kill Bucky when I saw it. And Steve. But I lost. It's a good thing I did though. Lost - I mean - it's a good thing I lost.it wasn't Bucky who killed my parents, it was HYDRA."

They ate in silence for a moment until Tony picked up the tv remote and started flicking through the channels.

"Jesus, what even is half of this stuff?"

"Oh! Bad education! I love that!"

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