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Ya'vani sat down beside him on the grave. "Can I ask what happened to her" she said looking toward at the grave.

Tears went down Carlos face as ya'vani asked him that, mostly because every time he thought of that day he would have an emotional breakdown

Ya'vani looks at carlo surprised because she had never really seen him have any real bad emotions. He always had a smile on his face no matter the situation

"Apartment 34b that was the apartment we lived in" carlo smiled a little

Carlo told ya'vani everything that happen wit his mom thre day she died and he was he was breaking down as he told her

"Omg come here" ya'vani said pulling carlo in a hug. Part of him loved ya'vani for one reason and she lowkey reminded him of his mom. Especially how she took care of treyvon, that made him really attracted to her.

"It's her death date today" he said as he had his head in ya'vanis neck

" may 2 I lost my momma" carlo added breaking down in tears again

Ya'vani rubbed his back as he cried in her arms, she could tel that he was really in pain right now and that he just needed her.

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