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"you got it" carlo mumbled holding ya'vanis hand as she tried to push

"Fuck I can't" ya'vani yelled

"you can I know you can" carlo said putting his hand on her forehead

"ima need you to keep pushing, he's almost here" doctor Angelo said

Ya'vani was still in a lot of pain as she kept going in  and out as she kept tryna push it it was hard.

"maybe we should c-section" one of the male nurses said and doctor Angelo shook his head

"he's almost here" Angelo whispers back at the nurse

"Yeah but she's out and in" doctor remie said holding ya'vanis hand

"Um she has a fever" carlo said feeling her forehead a little bit

"here he comes" doctor Angelo said as he ignored carlo

"ughh" ya'vani screamed as she pushed and pushed.

"Last one come on" doctor Angelo said and ya'vani shook her head

"I can't.." ya'vani spoke lowly

"You can" doctor Angelo said making ya'vani push a little

"Ima need more than that"

"Ughh fuck!!" Ya'vani pushed the hardest she had, carlo turned his head hearing crys. Doctor Angelo held the baby while the nurse cut the umbilical cord.

He handed the baby off to the nurse. Carlo looked to see where they was taking him but he couldn't they walked out the room.

They all heard a machine beep "doctor.." a nurse said and eveyone turned there attention to see ya'vani passed out

"oh my" doctor Angelo said

"ya'vani" carlo said grabbing her face

"vani.." he repeated grabbing her arm but not getting an answer

All the doctors and nurses started moving fast as they started doing some things on yavani but carlo couldn't see what.

"what did y'all do" carlo said as a male nurse tried to push him out the room

"No stop fucking touching me" carlo said as he pushed the nurse

The nurse kept pushing him as he finally got carlo out the room pushing him into the hallway.

He looked into the glass window seeing them working on ya'vani until someone came over and closed the curtains to the window.

Carlo sat down in the chair they had in the hallway, his leg shook as he felt tears coming down his eyes. He felt like this was all his fault.

He should have brought her to the hospital early is what he thought. He felt like he should have done something sooner.

He put his face into his hands as he leaned over in the chair. He sat there for about thirty minutes letting his mind wonder. Until a nurse came up to him making him look up.

"would you like to come see your son" the nurse asked and carlo nodded slowly

"He's right this way" she said walking him to the delivery room

They stopped right at the window and they looked at the baby's.

"Can you tell which one" she said as they looked all the baby's

"yeah right there" carlo smiled as he pointed to a darkskin baby that had a lil blanket wrapped around him

"Can I hold him" carlo asked

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