Losing Control

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He hadn't touched you in so long.

He longed to run his hands across your creamy
skin, the hint of which peaked out from behind
your short skirt. He longed to unbutton that
cute little dress shirt of yours and admire the
little lace bra he knew you were wearing
underneath. He longed to make you whimper
his name with that candy-sweet voice of yours,
longed to feel your slick folds against his fingers
as he drew moan after moan from your
puckered lips. He longed to feel your warmth as
you spasmed and writhed beneath him, longed
to see your innocent, sweet face twisting with
lewd ecstasy as he pounded you into the peak of

Pulling himself from his dirty thoughts, Joey
growled in frustration at the growing tent inside
his pants. the past couple weeks had been busy
for you, and needless to say, his sexual urges
were brimming.

He placed his hands firmly on his thighs,
breathing deeply to calm himself. Yet, he was
unable to stop himself from glancing across the
classroom. Eyeing your figure across the room,
his eyes grazed over your curves, and way you
crossed your smooth legs, causing your skirt to
ride up a little too high... god, did you know
what you did to him? how he wished he could
just walk over and take you, rough and hard,
right there against your desk.

You caught his eye and flashed a sweet smile his
way, giggling slightly as your boyfriend quickly
averted his eyes. Oh, if only you knew what he
was thinking. Your innocent little face would
practically burn off if you even had an inkling of
what Joey wanted to do to you. Joey bit his
lip, tightening his grip on his thighs. Something
about your doe eyes and cherry cheeks was so
addicting to him. The thought of having those
eyes underneath him as he slowly took away
your innocence bit by bit, slowly corrupted your
creamy body, was so utterly arousing for him.

He wanted to dominate you, make you truly and
completely his, wanted to turn his sweet
princess into his little doll.

"Fuck." he growled, causing some heads to turn
his way. Raising his hand, he grabbed the
teacher's attention. "May i go to the bathroom?"
with a curt nod of affirmation, he quickly exited
the room, hoping no one had noticed his hard

Making his way into a bathroom stall, he took a
deep breath, leaning shakily against the wall.
Was he really about to stroke himself in a
bathroom stall in the middle of class like some
hormonally driven teenager? His pride screamed against it. "Fuck." he muttered again as the jingling of his belt buckle hit the ground. He couldn't control himself, not when it came to

Joey are you okay? Lunch started already

He bit his lip as he eyed your worried text
message, roping his belt back around his waist.

Im fine just feel a little sick

Sick was an understatement, in his opinion.

Aww I'm sorry. Where r u? I'll come find u

Did he really want you to see him in this state?
Before he realized it, his finger had send.

Second floor, boys bathroom.

Ok hang in there, I'll be there really soon!

You were really too good for him. Easing his
way out of the stall, he exited the bathroom,
leaning against the opposite wall to wait for
you. Why did he even call you up here?

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