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  It was the last two days of your senior year and
you were waiting by your locker for your best
friend Chloe. You were hoping she would get there quickly so you could avoid, Him. Joey.

Joey is your bully. He has been messing with you ever since freshman year.

He cut your hair the first day of 9th grade, photoshopped and posted a picture of you in 10th grade, dumped cheese and chocolate on you on picture day in 11th grade, and put live snakes in your locker this year. Those are just some of the things you can remember and they aren't even the worst he has done.

You tell the principle and your parents everything but it seems every time, all he gets is
a slap on the wrist.

He is only suspended for a few days then the first day he comes back he is messing with you again.

You try your best to stay away but he always seems to find you somehow. He knows all your classes and where you hang out at lunch.

You thought that maybe the first day of your
freshmen year he was only messing with you
because you were "fresh meat." Then the years
just seem to pass and he never stopped.

You get the rest of your books out your locker
and the door slams, nearly hitting you. Leaning
on the locker next to yours is Joey.

"Hey Y/N, I need your help with something.'' He says then smirks. "Why would I help you? I don't like you. Plus you're always bullying me." You say and turn around to walk away from him. He grabs your backpack and pulls you back, turning you around to face him again. You smack his hand away and fix your backpack on your shoulder.

"Your smart." He says as he pushes your glasses. "Just help me this one time please and you will never have to see me again." You roll your eyes and sigh. "What do you even want my help with?"

"They are letting me retake the math part of the
exam since I was suspended for that week we took it. I have to finish it before tomorrow afternoon in order to graduate. Please help me?'' He pouts his lip.

You look at his sad face and shake your head. ''I
don't care if you don't graduate. I'm ready to go
to college and not have someone messing with
me everyday." You turn around again but this
time he grabs your arm. You jerk your arm away and groan. "Y/N, please. Just this time and I'll go away. Please? I'm begging you." You sigh and roll your eyes.

You don't want to but you feel kinda bad. Sure, you don't like Joey but it's in your nature to help those in need. Even if they have been nothing but big jerks. "Fine I will help you but you have to swear I will never see you again."

"I swear. Thanks, Y/N. I'll be at your house later
today." He says as he starts backing up to go meet with his crew. "But you don't know where I live!" You shout to him. "Looked at your records in the office!" He shouts back then disappears around the corner. You groan and ball your fist.

"Y/N, what's wrong?" You hear your best friend
ask as she walks up behind you. You sigh and bang your head on your locker lightly. You stay there for a minute to let the cold metal cool you down.

"You will not believe what just happened." Chloe links her arm with yours and walks you down the hall. You tell her everything and she gasp. "Are you nuts ?" She says and slaps your arm. "Ow, what was that for ?" You rub your arm to soothe it. "He is your bully! Who tutors their bully ?" She

"I couldn't help it. You know I love helping people when they need it." Chloe sighs. "I just wish it could be anyone else but him. You nod your head.

Once you reach your house, you hug Chloe goodbye and head inside. While you wait for Joey to arrive, you change clothes and find a snack. You clear the table and place your books out for the two of you.

Joey one shots  18+Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz