Caput I

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Potter Manor - 1997 - 3:58pm

James and Lily Potter where rushing to hurry their younger son, Daniel to a portkey.

"Why do we have to leave, why can't he come here?" The Boy-Who-Lived asked his parents. "Because he invited us over for afternoon tea and it would be rude to reject his offer, darling" Lily replied.

"Yes, yes hurry along we'll miss the portkey if we don't go now" James Potter said with an urgent tone. 

The Magical family grasped onto the small teapot and where suddenly whisked away to meet the eldest Potter sibling.

Hadrian Regulus Black

Whitethorn Manor - 1997 -  4:00pm

When the Potters landed, they where outside the gates of a tall, dark and luxurious manor, which could really be called a castle. A house elf came to greet them.

"Master is expecting youse for tea, this way" he rasped.

Lily Potter frowned, why was Hadrian not here to greet them?

The trio followed the elf through the gates and along the path to the stairs before the large doors of the manor.

The door opened instantly as the elf snap his fingers and they walked inside, the creature lead them up the stairs and along the corridor to the left, where they stopped in front of the fourth door on the right.

The elf slowly rose one gnarled hand to the varnished mahogany doors and knocked politely.

"Enter" A deep masculine baritone resonated throughout the manor, and the elf opened the door. "The Potters are here for tea master" the elf replied.

When James Potter entered the room, there was a fire, which seemed to crackle every now and again and a barrage of sparks flew out. The 'master' stood in front of the fire, facing the crimson flames, presumably Hadrian.

The decor of the room was themed green and silver with black, there where varnished mahogany floors, walls and ceiling, large windows on either side of the fire place, the green velvet drapes drawn back letting the sun shine through, but the figure seemed to be eternally shrouded in darkness. In the centre of the room was an elegant ash coffee table surrounded by armchairs and a green chesterfield sofa. The elf moved from his place by the door, to stand by an armchair.

The figure turned around, a mixture of dark brown, almost black curls, vibrant emerald green eyes and clear pale skin, dressed in a white dress shirt, black slacks and a black suit jacket to match with polished dress shoes. Hadrian was only slightly taller than James, towering over the Potters at 6'1.

"Hadrian?" Lily inquired her voice masked with fake confidence to hide her nervousness.

"Mother, father, Daniel" Hadrian replied.

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