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So, just a bit of back story:

Draco does not know when his cousin died, only knowing that he was a loyal deatheater and died some years after Voldemort.

In this altered Harry Potter Universe, Regulus Black never meets Harry Potter, Voldemort was supposedly vanquished by Daniel Potter.

Dumbledore deemed Harry to old to have performed accidental magic, and Daniel was unconscious, surrounded by dark magic residue from Voldemort.

Regulus and Sirius travel together to the orphanage.  Regulus signs the papers, Harry is packing his small suitcase with Sirius' help.

After ssigning the papers, Regulus was having tea with the muggle caretaker, and a group of death eaters assassinate him, via avada kedavera, and obliviate the muggle.
Sirius comes to the room, and in shock lets out a burst of accidental magic the temporarily freezes time.

Sirius grieves for hours, and as his shock slowly fades, time starts to unfreeze.
He then takes Harry to Grimmuld place, have Kreacher take Regulus' body to the Black Mausoleum.

Harry never meets Regulus alive, but joins Sirius in his annual grievance.

Harry, who is older than his brother by 2 years was abandoned by his family at the age of 3. He stayed with the Dursleys for just over 2 years before running away.
He is 7, almost 8 when Sirius adopts him.

After having Harry for about 3 years, Sirius passes him to the Thorns, believing that Harry deserves a better father than he could ever be, and his undiagnosed PTSD which included violent flashbacks, immense feelings of guilt and anxiety, and nightmares.

Harry knows of Sirius' reluctance to let him go, and his reasons for giving him to the Thorns.
Every year Harry visits Sirius, and the two of them get closer. Harry still resents him, but knows that it was best.

The Thorns, are an old Magical English family with French and Bulgarian roots.
The Thorns enrolled him at Dumstrang Institute where he met Stefan, Vladimir, Tom, Mattheo, Aleksander and Theo.

The group are renowned amongst the eastern European magical community for their duelling chamionships and magical achievements.

Such as:
- UEEGDC ( United Eastern European Group Duelling Championship) of 1995
- EGGDC ( European Grand Group Duelling Contest ) of 1996
- Stefan Grindelwald is the youngest official Potions Master, continent wise.
- Mattheo Riddle is the reigning winner of the EDML ( European Duelling Masters League ) 1995- present
- Vladimir Ciobanu is the largest sponsor, investor and one of 2 inheritors ( the other being the Grand Goblin Chief) of Gringotts International Bank of Magic.

So other than a bit of world building and background, I should be updating soon with a new chapter.

And I am also starting a new story, called Dear Death. It is a tragic romance, unlike Tenebris Equites, which is more of an action novel.

- Sage ♡

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