# 57 - Poe, Chikao, & Karl

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Poe's Back story and how he met Karl:
He grew up in a rich family and he had parents but they were always too busy or not around. When he turned 5 he learned to take care of himself by being taught useful things. He got cooking lessons from the chiefs, was taught how to wash, stitch, and sew clothes by the maids, also was taught how to read and write by the butlers, and many other things. At the age of 13, he moved out with his things and 300,000 dollars to live with his aunt and uncle. He stayed there for a few months before he moved out on his own. He when looking for a job one day that's when he found Karl in an alleyway. Karl was going through the trash looking for food. Karl was just a baby alone and scared about the world around him. Poe knew how it felt to be alone so he decided to take Karl home with him. After going through many jobs Poe finally found The Guild at the age of 18.

Chikao's back story:
Chikao was 5 when his parents died in a car accident. Chikao was in the car but he survived. Poe was 19 at the time when it happened and was called to the scene. He was taken to Poe's home and Poe became his legal guardian from that day onward.

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