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i knew Matteo knew, but for once, he kept his mouth shut.

the whole of Slytherin had probably figured out that Draco and i were sleeping together.

we now slept in his dorm—a compromise i'd had to make because Draco didn't want either of my brothers walking in on us, and honestly, although Draco's room was smaller, it did have a better view.

we always showed up to meals together and waited for each other after lessons.

we spent free time fucking or training or walking around the grounds.

we told each other secrets and stories.

but none of it was enough to silence the voice in my head.

'i think i would do anything for you.'

"i thought i would find you here," his voice sent my thoughts scattering.

"how was muggle studies?" i asked.


he leaned in and brushed his lips against mine gently as a 'hello'.

"still haven't figured out how to climb?"
he looked up at the tree.

"not when you can pull me up,"

i watched him climb the tree, then took his hand, ending up opposite him where the branches forked.

"so, what were you thinking about?"

"what?" i frowned.

"what we're you thinking about when i got here?" he repeated.

"nothing of any relevance,"

"you once told me you didn't like liars,"

"i don't,"

"you lie a lot," it wasn't a criticism, simply a fact.

"well, i hate myself anyway." i laughed.

Draco raised his eyebrows.

"joke," i clarified.


"i'll tell you when the time is right."

the bell rang and streams of pupils flooded into the courtyard.

"i've got to go to Snape's office," he jumped out of the tree and offered me his hand.

"why?" i took it and he helped me down.

"skipped a few lessons, broke a cauldron a couple of days ago..."

"the usual?"

he nodded. "what have you got?" 

"private study," i answered. "i could wait for you in the common room."

he shook his head. "i'm already in trouble for skiving."

i rolled my eyes. "i suppose i'll see you at dinner."

"no, i've got to see Hooch about some new Snitches."

i groaned. "then when will i see you?!"

the corner of his lips turned up and he dipped his head, to whisper in my ear.

"meet me in the astronomy tower at 8."


8pm couldn't come fast enough.

i drew on my potions book during private study and sat in the middle of Pansy and Matteo at dinner, managing to drown out their conversations.

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