XXVI - The Hargreeves' Blood Drive

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"She's suffered a severe laceration to her larynx. One of you will need to give blood." Grace said, holding a tightly-gripped hand to Allison's neck wound. She looked between each member of the family, their expressions serious and tense. 

"I will!" Everyone said in unison, desperate to held their sister.

"I'm doing it." Luther said confidently, stepping forward from the crowd and pulling up the sleeve of his coat.

Pogo coughed, drawing attention to himself. "I'm afraid that's not possible, dear boy. Your blood is more compatible with mine." Pogo said, referencing Luther's apish appearance. Luther sighed, pulling down his sleeve again with a huff. 

"Hey, don't sweat it. I- I got this big guy. I love needles!" Klaus held his arm out towards Grace, slapping it energetically. 

Pogo sighed. "Master Klaus. Your blood is... How shall I say this? Too polluted." 

Number Five decided to speak

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Number Five decided to speak. "I would do it, but my old boss fused my DNA with some of history's most notorious serial killers. I'd pass her the serial killer gene. Not so fun."

It was Diego's turn. "Move. I'll do it." He said as he approached Grace, who was gathering her medical equipment. She turned around, needle in hand, therefore causing Diego to whimper and faint. His body hit the ground with a clatter, causing Number Eight to roll her eyes.

"You're all hopeless. Grace. Stick me." Number Eight said, pulling up her sleeve. Unlike her apish, addicted, squeamish and serial killer-ish counterparts, she had no problem donating her blood to Allison. 

Whilst Allison was under the care of Grace, the rest of the family had met downstairs in order to prepare a plan.

"The bastard that nearly killed our sister is still out there, with Viktor. We need to go after him." Diego said, pacing back and forth across the rug. 

"Viktor is not important." Number Five said, limping slightly due to the wound on his stomach. 

Number Eight scoffed. "Five! That's a little heartless, even for you." She reprimanded him. It all of a sudden dawned on her that she was acting like a wife. 

"I'm not saying that I don't care about him, but if the apocalypse happens today he dies along with the other seven billion of us. Harold Jenkins is our first priority." Number Five explained his rash behaviour.

"I agree. Let's go." Said Diego.

"You guys count me out." Klaus said. He was sat on the couch with his legs curled up underneath him, forming a small ball.  "I mean, you know, no offence or whatever. It's just... I kind of feel like this is a whole lot of pressure for a newly-sober me, so..."

"You're coming." Said Number Eight adamantly. She wasn't prepared for her family to split up yet again.

Klaus whined. "No, no, no. I mean, I think we can all agree that my power... I mean, it's pretty much useless. I'd just be holding you guys back." 

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