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Welcome, dear readers, to my new fantasy novel, This Poisoned Tide.

The Hedoschism fans among you, will no doubt recognise the term 'Naiad', having encountered a very different version of the water witch in Casey and Ethan's story. As is the way with many of my novels, there's often something that sparks an idea for a brand new tale, whether it's something I've discovered in my research or a character whose story deserves to be told in greater detail.

In the case of the water witch of Hedoschism, the quite frankly terrifying, child-eating witch who could use the power of the water to possess or kill her enemies, it wasn't so much her story I wanted to tell, but the story of an elemental sorceress with the magic of the water at her fingertips.

And so, This Poisoned Tide, was born!

On joining the Wattpad Creators Program, I was asked to write something brand new for my readers, and although I had a few ideas in the running, it was the story of the water witch that I kept returning to. Sometimes that's just the way it is. In cases like this, I go very much with my gut - if it's an idea you can't stop thinking about, then it's probably the story that needs to be written the most. The others can wait (at least a little while longer).

So, here we have a new story, a new world, a new kingdom, a new feisty kick-ass witch with the power of the water at her disposal, a new cool-AF hero to fall in love with and fresh torture as you all wonder when I'm going to update.

Please, please do add to your libraries and lists and follow me so you can keep an eye out for update notifications, and if you could, please do help by leaving a comment on each chapter, or just hit that gorgeous little star button. After 10 years (10?!! yes I know, crazy, right?) on Wattpad, I still need all the votes I can get, because the algorithm just loves messing with me.

Anyway, I'll end by saying a HUGE thank you in advance - whether you're a new reader or seasoned veteran of my stories, your support is what keeps me writing and I couldn't do it without you all! In the words of the cutest bean, Dustin Henderson...

Anyway, I'll end by saying a HUGE thank you in advance - whether you're a new reader or seasoned veteran of my stories, your support is what keeps me writing and I couldn't do it without you all! In the words of the cutest bean, Dustin Henderson

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Happy reading, my lovelies!

Linz xx

Aug, 2022 (Edited July, 2023)


Copyright @   2022 Lindsey M. Clarke

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