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Despite what she had told Roth—despite the way in which she had said it, with disdain and scorn dripping from her tongue—Elara had thought about this moment far more than she would ever have confessed. Perhaps, even to herself.

The account of The Trial of Sin-Sabre in the book Roth had shown her had not left her mind since she had read of it, the illustration of the nightmarish parasitic borer-worm being fed into the open mouth of the novice an image she wished she could scrub from her brain. Yet every time she had closed her eyes, she saw him—Juda—having to endure that very horror and despite everything she knew of him, despite everything she had learned of the man he was, she just did not see how he would ever live to be that same man again.

And yet, here he was, looking no different, that same dichotomy of dark and light in his face, of adult Juda and the part of him that would forever be stuck a child in that cold, soulless room.

Yes, she had thought of this. Of seeing him again. Of feeling what it was to have Juda Vikaris consume her with his gaze. Of the possibility of experiencing his touch once more and all that came with it—his desire, his anger, his hatred, his love.

You want the truth, girl? Roth had said. I never once thought him capable of it. For his mother, yes. But for anyone since? For anyone to come? No. Not him. Not Juda. Love perished for that boy on the tide they took Aleina. But then I saw the way in which he looked at you, and I the dead gods, I hoped. I hope still.

Whatever it was Juda felt for her—and she wasn't sure she even believed in what Roth had said—Elara wanted it. By her foremothers, she wanted him. The thought of that didn't even terrify her as it once had. There was even a part of her that understood it. There was a transgressive quality to it all that called to her blood. That wild thing inside her that was aflame at the thought of rebellion. A spark of violence, not in the physical sense, but a violence of the heart that made her body roar with want and need. And damn if it didn't roar for him and all that he was.

"Did the borer-worm take your tongue?" she said. "That would be a pity."

She didn't care that her words had an audience. There was not much left to hide from her friends, these rare creatures who had risked everything for her, even luring a Highguard of the King's Serpent Order deep into the shadows of Grimefell.

Juda's eyes sparked in an instant, shock shifting into flame. Stepping into the chamber, he moved to allow Anton and Bazel entry, who closed the door behind them.

Elara had to marvel at this—that she could be here, in this room, with her friends and him. Her secrets exposed. Laid bare. There was a strange sense of freedom to it all that she'd never once felt before.

"The borer-worm took nothing," Juda replied, but he wasn't being entirely truthful, Elara could see that much. The trial had taken something from him, but what that might be she could not say. "And you'll be pleased to know my tongue is very much intact."

She smiled then. Couldn't help herself.

Bazel, on the other hand, made a puking sound and threw himself down on the bed, leaning back with his hands behind his head and crossing his legs at the ankles. "Any chance we could do as Clova said and talk business, you soft-arsed dutzals? I don't fancy still being here when Cree comes a-knocking."

Elara slipped off the ledge and landed with a grunt. "Riggs isn't going to touch you, you little kreeworm. Not if I tell him not to."

Bazel chuckled, as he glanced Juda's way, clearly noting the way Juda's expression had darkened. "You put too much faith in his feelings for you. You're wanted by The Order for the murder of a noble. The King holds Grimefell to ransom and demands a Naiad as payment. How long do you think it will be before Cree connects the dots?" He smirked. "And then there's the small issue of you bedding not just a Highguard, but now an Elite Highguard. You'll be lucky that Cree doesn't drag you to the black gates himself for that crime alone."

This Poisoned Tide: The Last Water Witch Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now