~How It Started {Quick Rundown}~

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~To heal a wound, you need to stop touching it...~

So first things first I fell in love with a vampire.

Yeah I know what your thinking, crazy right? Before you start to judge me let me tell you how it happened first. I'm warning you now this is gonna get weird and suspenseful all I can say is hold on to your seats, or beds, or whatever you humans are sitting on. It's gonna be a really bumpy ride through my life...

Her Point Of View

I always had a rough life I never got anything easy no matter how hard I tried. My parents gave up on me at a very young age. And I know that's the typical recipe for a cold hearted fucker with no consciousness in their life. Nah it's different with me. Unlike others I did give up multiple times and even tried to end my life but I couldn't do it or if I did do it people always saved me before I could quietly get what I had hoped and wished for. Pretty soon I would get my wish though. But that wouldn't be until after I met the guy of my dreams....and also my nightmares.

However it turned out it began frustrating and difficult. So many people didn't wanna see me die but neither did they wanna see me grow and succeed. I felt like I was alone and I ahd to fight everyone's battle. But as soon as I fucked up even a little they were on my ass like back pockets. It began to become too much and drive me insane and sooner rather than later I was diagnosed with bipolar depression and multiple personality disorders. I tried to kill myself on numerous occasions and could never go through with it cause people kept finding ways to intervene.

After being burdened with so much hurt, pain, neglect, and childhood trauma I decided to move out of my parents house at the age of 17 exactly 1 month before I turned 18. And when I left the only thing I left behind was a note that was written in the form of a suicidal note. My parents put up a missing person posters in search of me but I made sure to stay out of the way and stay in the shadows. They never found me and the police eventually told them on my 18th birthday that my parents should give up, I'm an adult now and I can make my own decisions. I only knew this cause with living in the shadows I had to know how to get information and get around which I learned pretty quickly.

To be fair my parents only put those posters up to show the public that they did care about me but to be honest with you they don't and never did. When I was younger my family was very poor. And even with being poor my mom and dad were always greedy. I was the only child and even with that providing was still hard. We barely ate and barely had a roof over our heads. I would get slapped or pushed around if I did what any kid would do if they're hungry, I begged for food. Most times when they found food they would eat it all theirselves and starve me for being a "disrespectful brat".

By the time I was 10 years old my parents were giving up the search for jobs but as soon as they said forget it a friendly businessman offered them a job with a nice pay. The man genuinely looked like he wanted to help us and my parents took the offer. But they soon got a little too greedy. They felt like nothing was enough they always needed more. They would leave me at home unattended for hours and sometimes even for days on end. It was a continuous thing and when the system found out there wasn't any room for oopsie daises. I was taken away from them twice and yet I was the one punished for their stupid ass actions.

When my mom became a famous businessman personal assistant and my father became the owner of Microsoft or whatever that damn website was they felt like they were on top of the world and owned everybody in it. They were sitting on thousands and possibly millions but not one dime was mine. Do you understand why they put up those posters now? It was all just a bullshit lie and those too fuck faces where batshit crazy insane and out of their minds. I guess I see now where I got it from. But that's a story for another day.

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